Monday, January 10, 2022

Call for Abstracts: International Conference on Role of Indian Science in Freedom Movement | Submit by 20th January 2022

Swatantrata Ka Amrut Mahotsav

International Conference on

 Role of Indian Science in Freedom Movement



To commemorate Swatantrata Ka Amrut Mahotsav, JNU is organizing an international conference on "Role of Indian Science in Freedom Movement" in collaboration with Vijnanabharati, NIScPR and Vigyan Prasar on 28th Feb and 1st March 2022. Please see detail at:

This conference is aimed to create awareness and generate scholarly evidences for the role of Indians in cultivation of modern science, development of scientific societies, institutions, industries and fighting against the British colonial rule in India. Papers are invited in Hindi or English on the following themes:

1.      Science and Freedom Movement

2.      Establishing Colonial Hegemony through Science

3.      Role of   Indian Scientists and Resurgence of Indian ethos and culture

4.      Intellectual colonialism and Freedom movement

5.      Swadeshi industries in colonial time

6.      Achievements of Indian Scientists and its Implication for Political Freedom

7.      Emergence of scientific racism in India and Indian response

8.      Impact of colonialism on Environment/ Sustainable consumption

9.      Public engagement for development of Scientific Institutions and Societies

10.  Science Diplomacy and Freedom Movement

Abstract Submission
The abstract should be written in 250 words containing title, brief introduction, objectives, relevance, methodology and major findings of the paper. Please use Times New Roman 12 pt fonts for English and for Hindi use Kurti Dev 10 pt fonts. Please submit the abstract at : by 20th January 2022.

Poster/Short Articles
Poster/Short Article (800-1000 Words) are also invited from students who wish to participate in the conference on any areas related to the themes of the conference. Please submit your entry at: by 20th January 2022.

Workshop for authors
An online workshop on 'Research Paper Writing' will be organized 30h January 2022 for the authors whose abstracts are accepted. Full paper submission by 15th February 2022.

Registration for the conference will start from 15th January 2022. Fee for Registration is Rs.500/- for students and Rs.1000/- for teachers, scientists and academicians. Please visit for registration: 


Contact: All questions  related to  conference and submissions of abstract/paper  should be emailed to:

Online Registration | Brochure

JNU                      Vijnanabharati              NIScPR                Vigyan Prasar

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