Tuesday, November 30, 2021

UNU-MERIT Event Today "Better Data, Better Decisions? Will improved data sharing lead to improved decision-making in humanitarian response?"

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United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology


Title:Better Data, Better Decisions? Will improved data sharing lead to improved decision-making in humanitarian response?
Date:Dec 01, 2021
Time:15:30 - 17:00 CET
Venue:MS Teams (see Registration link above)
Type:External event

Speakers: Jean-Martin Bauer (WFP)

Tina Comes (Maastricht University SBE / UNU-MERIT)

Moderators: Jos Berens (Centre for Humanitarian Data, UN OCHA)
Thomas Baar (UNU-MERIT)

Registration: https://icrcanalysisevidenceweek.rsvpify.com/

Contact details
Thomas Baar
Boschstraat 24
6211 AX Maastricht
the Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)43 388 44 00
W: https://www.merit.unu.edu | https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/governance
E: baar@merit.unu.edu
Twitter: http://twitter.com/UNUMERIT
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedNationsUniversityMerit

The full calendar of events can be found at: https://www.merit.unu.edu/events/.

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