Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Forest Research Institute Malaysia and the University for International Cooperation in Costa Rica to receive 2021 UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Conservation

UNESCO Press Release No.2021-122

The Forest Research Institute Malaysia and the University for International Cooperation in Costa Rica to receive 2021 UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Conservation

Paris – 17 November - This year's UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Conservation will be awarded to the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Malaysia and to the University for International Cooperation (UCI), Costa Rica, following the recommendation of the international jury of the prize. The award ceremony will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, on 17 November as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme during the 41st General Conference of UNESCO.

Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Malaysia

In recognition of initiatives to monitor and preserve endangered species of national interest, producing publications such as the Malaysian Plant Red List in efforts to monitor the conservation of critically endangered species, and documenting the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities.

FRIM is one of the leading institutions in tropical forest research in the world. It has developed significant research activities on biodiversity, forest ecosystems management and restoration, and sustainable forest products, while contributing significantly to biodiversity conservation at the national level. FRIM also contributes to the inclusion of environmental education in curricula and training teachers in Education for Sustainable Development. 

University for International Cooperation (UCI), Costa Rica

In recognition of support to create new biosphere reserves in Latin America such as  Sumaco (Ecuador), Cabo de Hornos (Chile) and Agua y Paz (Costa Rica) and the promotion of regenerative practices in the biosphere reserves.

UIC's main areas of action are the conservation of biodiversity, territorial management, local development, food safety from farm to table, regenerative agriculture and livestock, sustainable tourism and project management, using a transversal ecosystem regeneration approach. Through its Latin American School of Protected Areas (ELAP), UCI has contributed to capacity building across Latin American and Caribbean to train protected area managers. UCI is also contributing to reverse effects the of climate change and biodiversity loss on ecosystems through its initiatives in the Regenerative Communities Network. 

The Jury also recognized both institutions' stellar public outreach and awareness initiatives, such as outdoor activities for students and the development of community farms and eco-tourism.

Allocated every other year since 1991, the UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Conservation was established through a generous donation by Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said of Oman. Laureates are awarded US$50,000 each, a diploma and a medal.


Media contact: Clare O'Hagan

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