Thursday, November 11, 2021

[apeid.higher_education.bgk] UNESCO unveils new report on the Futures of Education

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UNESCO unveils new report on the Futures of Education



UNESCO unveiled the much-awaited Futures of Education report entitled Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education. The new global report, prepared by an International Commission, explores how education can best shape the future of humanity and the planet as we look to 2050: What should we keep? What should we abandon? And what should we creatively reinvent afresh? The report aims to catalyze a global debate and movement to forge a new social contract for education. What does that look like? Here's what you need to know.
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UNESCO Member States unite to increase investment in education

Heads of State and Government and Ministers of Education from more than 40 countries adopted the Paris Declaration on Wednesday: a global appeal initiated by UNESCO and France to increase investment in education in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. Through the Paris Declaration on Education, the participating States commit to improving investments by relying on public financing and public-private cooperation. They also call for increased international aid to education, making it a priority to reach the target of 0.7% of donor GNP for official development assistance.
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Only half of the national curricula in the world have a reference to climate change, UNESCO warns

Education systems do not currently address the gravity of the climate crisis, warns the UNESCO, the UN's leading education agency, ahead of the first joint meeting of environment and education ministers at COP26 in Glasgow on 5 November. New UNESCO data from 100 countries shows that only 53% of the world's national education curricula make any reference to climate change and when the subject is mentioned, it is almost always given very low priority.
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Global Ministers Conference sets out priorities to address hate speech through education

In a major milestone addressing hate speech worldwide, a Global Ministers Conference on 26 October 2021 convened education authorities at the highest levels to forge consensus on key priorities and coordinated action to address hate speech through education. Amid the current scrutiny of social media platforms and online hate speech, the conference presented key conclusions on how education policy can contribute to countering threats posed by hate speech that is facing every society.
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Young people call for sexuality education, and I'm listening

The release of The journey towards comprehensive sexuality education: Global status report is a reminder of the urgent need for life-changing and potentially life-saving education about young people's health and rights. No girl should ever go through the experience of menstruation for the first time without a full understanding of what is happening to her. No young person should have to live in fear of going to school because they are the victim of violence or bullying at school and don't know where to turn for help. No young woman should be deprived of her right to education because she falls pregnant. Yet this is precisely what is happening.
Read the op-ed by Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education




What you need to know about online violence including cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is widespread globally. Like bullying, it has negative effects on academic achievement, mental health and the quality of students' lives. Although online violence is not limited to school premises, the education system has an important role to play in preventing and addressing it. Although global data is limited, evidence shows that cyberbullying has been on the rise in various regions during the pandemic. On 4 November, the world marked the International Day against Violence and Bullying at School Including Cyberbullying. Here is what you need to know.
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UNESCO's General Conference taking place in Paris from 9 to 24 November 2021, features a rich array of education events. In this image, Keishia Thorpe from the United States was awarded the one million dollar 2021 Global Teacher Prize by the Varkey Foundation, in a ceremony hosted by UNESCO. She was selected from over 8,000 nominations and application from 121 countries. Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, interviewed the winner, recalling that "teachers are in the eye of the storm" as they are preparing our children for a world defined by powerful and unpredictable forces - from COVID-19 to climate change.
Photo credit: © UNESCO/LucValigny





Futures of Education Report: Reimagining our futures together. Initiated by UNESCO, the International Commission on the Futures of Education has prepared a new report on how education can best shape the future of humanity and the planet. In this video, members of the Commission and its chair explain the main recommendations and defining features of their report, Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education.
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©UNESCO 2021

Photo credits (in order of appearance): © UNESCO/Christelle Alix, © Unesco/LucValigny, wavebreakmedia/, © UNESCO/Christelle Alix, Johnstocker Production/, Anca Milushev/

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