Thursday, October 7, 2021

Vol. 1, No. 1: The Sustainability Issue 🌿

Oct 2021 — Vol. 1, No. 1
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The Sustainability Issue

Welcome to the first IFLA newsletter! When we carried out our first ever survey of IFLA's Members two years ago, a key thing you highlighted was your desire to understand more about our Federation, what we are doing, and how to get involved.

The last two years has seen intense work to deliver. Already in August, we launched our new governance structures, focused on trying to make IFLA easier to understand and work with, as well as our new website.

And now, today, I am thrilled to share our first newsletter, bringing you a selection of the work carried out for you, with you, by you, in support of a strong and united library field powering literate, informed and participatory societies.
Read the full editorial →

Gerald Leitner
IFLA Secretary General


We're happy to share a conversation between IFLA's Secretary General Gerald Leitner and Barbara Lison, IFLA's President 2021-2023, who offers some ideas about her presidential theme and her hopes for the coming two years.

Gerald Leitner: What drove you to take on the role of IFLA President?

Barbara Lison:
I have always been especially committed to library policy and library advocacy, marketing and governance issues. I know the impact of successful networking with partners from within and outside the library field. And supporting networking and political activities is a major task for library associations.

Therefore I started my in involvement in these associations – both those bringing together institutions and library staff - quite early in my professional career. I did this step-by-step, from the regional to the national level, then I "jumped" into the European context with EBLIDA and also through the participation in EU funded projects.

My first IFLA commitment was the support of the German national committee in its bid for WLIC 2003 in Berlin. I participated in that Congress as volunteer and as First-Timer and since then I was indeed "infected" by the IFLA spirit.

My experience as Member of the Governing Board 2011-2013 and 2013-2015 showed me the opportunities and challenges IFLA has to support the Global Library Field. I was especially fascinated by the combination of professional work and advocacy activities which IFLA has taken on since the Presidency of Claudia Lux.

My decision to run for President-elect and – hopefully – become IFLA-President was motivated by this challenge to lead this global organisation to show the world the relevance of libraries for the future of humanity. A great word, yes! But I absolutely believe in this!

Read the full interview →

Barbara Lison
IFLA President, 2021 - 2023


Bringing the field together, globally: IFLA President engages with Members

IFLA's new President Barbara Lison has been active in participating in events organised by IFLA Members, talking about our Federation's work and priorities, and helping more colleagues to benefit from being part of a global field.

She has given keynote addresses at the International Conference of the Association of University Librarians of Sri Lanka, at an event organised in Santa Catharina, Brazil, and has recorded a
podcast with IFLA's own Continued Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section

In particular, she was a keynote speaker at Localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Baltic Museums and Libraries, setting out IFLA's approach to the SDGs, and encouraging others to engage.

Integrating libraries and culture into sustainable development planning: IFLA Secretary General speaks at 4th Culture Summit

Around the world, there are al`ready very positive examples of local and regional governments integrating libraries and culture into their wider development policies. To spread this good practice, we need both to build awareness, and shape global frameworks.

Through his interventions at the UCLG Culture Summit in Izmir, Turkey, IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner underlined the urgency of action, and IFLA's readiness to engage.
Read more on our website →


IFLA at the Urban 20 Summit: Libraries for a green, fair and local recovery

At a meeting of the mayors of many of the most important cities around the world, IFLA, on behalf of the Culture2030Goal campaign, underlined the importance of investing in culture and libraries, and integrating them into policy planning in order to support greener, fairer development.

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Available Now! Second edition of the UNESCO/PERSIST Guidelines for the selection of digital heritage for long-term preservation

To enable the sustainability of documentary cultural heritage, including in digital form, in line with the
UNESCO 2015 Recommendation, steps must be taken to preserve digitised and born-digital materials. The volume of digital information is almost incalculable, and continues to grow, which presents a significant challenge.

The UNESCO/PERSIST Guidelines for the Selection of Digital Heritage for Long-Term Preservation were developed to assist practitioners make informed decisions about digital resources to be kept for long term access.

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Knowledge Rights 21 – 21st century access to culture, learning and research in Europe

Stichting IFLA Foundation is delighted to receive a €3m Arcadia grant to launch the new Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21) programme to promote access to knowledge for study, research and cultural life in Europe.

We are grateful to Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, for its grant of €3m over three years. SIF will work with key partner associations – IFLA, LIBER, SPARC Europe as well as experts to strengthen the voice of libraries at national and European levels through supporting strong and sustainable national networks and delivering training and support.

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Library voices in internet governance discussions: upcoming engagement opportunities

Digital rights and inclusion, media literacy, the ethics of algorithms, and many other pressing goals and questions continue to be at the heart of internet governance dialogues. Multi-stakeholder discussions and cooperation in these areas are an important tool to reaching the global digital inclusion and digital transformation ambitions.

Libraries continue to be a strong voice for equitable and meaningful access to information in the digital ecosystem – and the coming months offer many opportunities for library engagement in various internet governance platforms and dialogues. IFLA has prepared guidance for anyone interested in getting involved.

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Literacy at the heart of human-centred recovery: Marking International Literacy Day

To mark International Literacy Day 2021, IFLA releases a new research report, highlighting the contributions that libraries are making to successful literacy initiatives, in particular in developing countries. The report is there to support advocacy by libraries in favour of inclusion in necessary efforts to deliver literacy for all, and so support sustainable development.

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Welcome to IFLA's new committee members!

Congratulations and continued success to members of the IFLA Professional and Regional Structures, as well as our Advisory Committees, who have been newly elected or are continuing on from a previous term.

These bodies hold great responsibility for moving the work of IFLA forward, enriching the library and information field with their expertise, through initiatives, projects and activities aligned to the
2019-2024 IFLA Strategy.

To find out more about IFLA's different committees, or to get involved, visi
t our new Committee Finder page on the IFLA website.

Read more →


Join our dynamic team in The Hague, the Netherlands! This is your time to inspire, engage, enable and connect over two million library professionals worldwide.

Network Coordinator (closes 11 October 2021, 12:00 CEST)

Programme Manager (closes 11 October 2021, 12:00 CEST)


Libraries Sustain: Keynote speech

At the 2021 World Library and Information Congress, Andrew Potts, coordinator of the Secretariat of the Climate Heritage Network, gave the keynote speech for the Libraries Sustain thematic track of the Congress.

Underlining how essential culture is in achieving the change in behaviours needed to prevent catastrophic global warming, he nonetheless stressed that business-as-usual could not be an option for the heritage sector either.

We are happy to share the transcript of his intervention, and in doing so provide more information about the Climate Heritage Network and how to get involved.

our website or watch the 25 minute recording on our YouTube channel!

Even if you could not attend the congress on 17-19 August, you can still watch the recordings and catch up on the latest developments in the global library field!

With access to the WLIC 2021 e-library, you'll be able to get the best out of sessions you missed, watch again those that inspired you, and benefit from all the ideas shared!

Registered Congress participants already have free access for the next year. Until 29 October 2021, those who did not register can purchase a twelve month membership for €50. After 29 October 2021, registration is no longer possible — so dive in, rediscover the congress and experience the benefits of being part of a truly global field!

Get access to the WLIC 2021 e-Library→


Organisations and individuals joining IFLA now will receive three bonus months of membership. Pay now, at 2021 rates, and your membership will cover all of 2022.

Nothing more to pay until 2023!

Join us →


IFLA warmly welcomes the following libraries as members of IFLA:

  • Bibliothèque Nationale de Djibouti, Djibouti

  • National Library and Information Services, Bahamas

  • Sikh Reference Library USA, United States of America

  • Taiyuan City Public Library, China

We look forward to their engagement and involvement.


IFLA Professional Unit Virtual Events are an opportunity to engage with a global audience, sharing relevant research and practice through workshops, presentations and discussions.

October 11, 2021

October 13, 2021

October 22, 2021

October 28, 2021

To the events calendar →


Each month, we will be sharing inspiring social media posts and accounts that showcase the ingenuity and diversity of the global library field!

For your chance to get featured here, add the #WeAreIFLA hashtag to your posts.


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