Sunday, October 24, 2021

New AJSTID Article "Recycling of municipal solid waste in India: Empirical findings from some select colonies in Delhi" by M Govind & M Mahongnao

Recycling of municipal solid waste in India: Empirical findings from some select colonies in Delhi
by Madhav Govind & Mirinchonme Mahongnao, 2021, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development

Abstract: The growing volume of municipal waste has become a serious challenge for urban local bodies in Indian cities. The non-segregation of waste at the source is one of the main reasons for the low percentage of municipal waste being recycled. Drawing the data from a semi-structured questionnaire-based survey of 100 households and informal interviews with different stakeholders, this study explores the waste segregation and waste minimization behaviour of residents of Delhi and the role of rag pickers in the recycling of waste. The study reveals that the main reasons for the non-segregation of waste are lack of awareness and facilities and a high level of skepticism whether source segregation would solve the problem if waste is not collected and transported separately. The study also shows that although 83% of respondents were aware of different colours of dustbins, only a small percentage of respondents know about or practise their correct usage. We argue that while creating awareness and providing infrastructure facilities are important, it is more effective to recalibrate our policy in such a way that it integrates the informal waste pickers in the recycling process, and incentivizes those who reduce and segregate their waste and discourages the defaulters.
Keywords: household waste, recycling, segregation, municipal solid waste management, ragpickers, Delhi

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