Wednesday, October 27, 2021

IIFT Webinar on "Technology, Innovation, and the Future of Employment" | 29 Oct at 7.00PM IST

IIFT Webinar on "Technology, Innovation, and the Future of Employment"
29 Oct 2021, at 7.00-9.00PM IST
Economic activities throughout the world are increasingly becoming more highly technology dependent. The segments of the production chain which were usually more labor intensive (or of lower technology intensive) are getting automated creating effects on employment and wages. The impact of process and product innovation on employment is always an important topic to the researchers working on 'Technological unemployment'. Digitalization of economic activities and more importantly the rise of Artificial Intelligence with its labour saving tendencies are creating biases in the labour market and shaping various aspects of employment in the present context and for future. The issue becomes more interesting when we consider developed and developing countries as well as formal and informal mechanisms of production activities. This session will address the relation between technology, innovation and its impact on employment which is becoming a much discussed topic in academia.
  • Prof. James Bessen (Boston University, United States)
  • Prof. Mario Pianta (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
  • Prof. Anton Korinek (Brookings Institution, United States)
  • Dr. Sukti Dasgupta (International Labor Organization, Switzerland)
  • Register:
IIFT Economics Society: The IIFT Economics Society (I.E.S.) has organized this platform to bring together leading academicians and researchers from across the globe to have a meaningful discussion on the recent macroeconomics and international trade circumstances. The economic activity came to a grinding halt in the wake of the pandemic and therefore it becomes all the more important for students to understand the response of front line professionals who are trying to devise new measures to deal with this recession. We would like to welcome all the participants for an engaging and thought provoking experience.

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