Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Call for Applicants: British Academy Writing Workshop Series 2021

Call for Applicants: British Academy Writing Workshop Series 2021
Critical Communication: Supporting effective academic writing in the field of media, communication and cultural studies in India

We invite applications to participate in a series of three workshops funded by the British Academy that aim to support effective academic writing in the field of media, communication, and cultural studies. The workshops will be led by senior academics from India, USA and UK, and with the aim of supporting Indian early career researchers (late-stage doctoral students and junior faculty) to develop high quality international English-language publications.
The workshops will be led by Professor Usha Raman (University of Hyderabad), Associate Professor Vibodh Parthasarathi (Jamia Millia Islamia), Professor Emily Keightley (Loughborough University), Professor Aswin Punathambekar (University of Virginia), and Professor John Downey (Loughborough University). The workshops will also be supported by a research development manager at Loughborough University, who will share grant writing skills.
The workshops are appropriate for early career researchers approaching completion of their doctoral studies, post-doctoral researchers, and junior faculty (up to 5 years post award of PhD). We anticipate that applicants will not have an already well-established record of research publications in international journals.
There will be three workshops held in week commencing September 20th 2021, week commencing December 6th 2021, and week commencing March 7th 2022 (precise dates to be confirmed). It is anticipated that the first workshop will be online and will comprise four three-hour sessions held over four days. We envisage that the second and third workshops will be held in India in-person but this is dependent upon the global pandemic situation. Where workshops are held in-person the costs of necessary travel, accommodation, and subsistence will be met. We require accepted participants to attend all workshop sessions.
Applicants should complete the application form available here Writing Workshop application for download.docx. The application form includes requires applicants to complete a 500 word statement explaining why they wish to participate in the workshops, and requires the attachment of two additional documents: a CV of no more than two pages including a list of any publications, and a sample of writing of between 5000 and 6000 words (this could be a draft journal article or a chapter from your PhD thesis). We kindly request that all materials are submitted in English.
Please return completed application forms and the relevant attachments to BAwritingworkshop@mailbox.lboro.ac.uk
Closing date for applications is Monday 2nd August 4pm IST. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by late August.

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