Monday, June 14, 2021

Journal of Scientometric Research, Special Issue on Science, Technology and Innovation in Latin America is now Online

Journal of Scientometric Research, Vol 10, Issue 1S, 2021
Special Issue on Science, Technology and Innovation in Latin America is now Online

Table of Contents
Journal of Scientometric Research, 2021, 10(1S)

  • Science, Technology and Innovation in Latin America | Jacqueline Leta, Kizi Araujo
Review Article
  • Contesting the Mainstream Narrative? A Conceptual Discussion on the Politics of Science, Technology, and Innovation from the Periphery | Carolina Bagattolli, Tiago Brandão
Research Articles
  • Cancer Research in Latin America, 2014-2019, and its Disease Burden | Grant Lewison, Gareth I Owen, Henry Gomez, Eduardo Cazap, Raul Murillo, Karla Unger Saldaña, Marisa Dreyer, Audrey Tsunoda, Jorge Jimenez De La Jara
  • Global trends, Local threads. The Thematic Orientation of Renewable Energy Research in Mexico and Argentina between 1992 and 2016 | Matías Federico Milia
  • Analysing the Differences in the Scientific Diffusion and Policy Impact of Analogous Theoretical Approaches: Evidence for Territorial Innovation Models | Cristian Brixner, Silvina Alejandra Romano, Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia
  • Patent Collaboration Networks in Latin America: Extra-regional Orientation and Core-Periphery Structure | Carlos Bianchi, Pablo Galaso, Sergio Palomeque
  • Mobility of the Members of the National System of Researchers of Mexico in their Academic Training in Latin America | Eduardo Robles-Belmont
  • The Relationship between the Language of Scientific Publication and its Impact in the Field of Public and Collective Health | Solange Maria Dos Santos, Grischa Fraumann, Simone Belli, Rogério Mugnaini
  • Health Research Networks Based on National CV Platforms in Brazil and Uruguay | Cecilia Tomassini, Claudia Cohanoff, Sofia Robaina, Jesús P Mena-Chalco
  • Ten years of Altmetrics: A Review of Latin America Contributions | Thaiane Moreira De Oliveira, Germana Barata, Alejandro Uribe-Tirado
  • Transformations in the Ecuadorian Scientific Landscape: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Main Publications Trends and the Role of the Scientific Networks and the Public International Scholarship Program | Henry Chavez, Jacqueline Gaybor

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Sujit Bhattacharya
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientometric Research
Listed in SCOPUS,  Emerging Sources Citation Index (WoS)]
Professor AcSIR| Academy of Scientific Research & Innovation
Chief Scientist (CSIR-NISTADS)
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, 
New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Twitter: @JSCIRES
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