Friday, June 11, 2021

INSA Young Historian of Science Award 2021

INSA Young Historian of Science Award 2021

INSA Young Historian of Science Award has been instituted by the Indian National Science Academy and awarded annually are intended to Young Historians of Science in India in recognition of their outstanding contributions in any branch of History of Science coming within the purview of the Academy. The research carried out in India or abroad by the nominees will be taken into consideration for the award. 

Number of Award: The number of awards to be made in any year will be limited to maximum two. 

Age Limit: Any citizen of India, who has not attained the age of 35 years on December 31, of the year preceding the year of award, shall be eligible for the award. Only those born on or after 1 January, 1986 are eligible for consideration in the year 2021.  

Last date for receiving Nominations: 15th July 2021

Further Details

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