Saturday, June 20, 2020

Webinar on Enablers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) – Early examples and synergies | 23 June

Webinar on Enablers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) – Early examples and synergies for the EU and India

Dear All, 

With great pleasure we invite you to register for our 27th webinar in the knowledge sharing series under the aegis of the India-EU Partnership Project on Collaboration for ICT Standardisation.

Details of the 27th webinar in this series is as follows:

Topic: "Enablers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) – Early examples and synergies for the EU and India."

Abstract: On the basis of the first session of this webinar series which provided a general overview of key priorities in an EU-India cooperation and business opportunities in the broader context of AI, this webinar intends to explore enablers for 4IR solutions and technologies in India and Europe. Both are ready and planning to join the 4IR. Therefore, the webinar will explore the business insights, role of enablers like 5G, IoT and AI and possible cooperation areas that India and EU can work together at business and policy level to further enable both sides to prosper and progress together.

On the basis of insights gained in session 01 of the webinar series, this webinar aims to:


  • Adopt a thematic focus (4IR) within which the overarching topic of business cooperation in the ICT sector and AI, IoT and 5G segment can be explored at a deeper level leading to concrete observations on prevalent opportunities and relevant areas of business support;
  • Identify key areas of cooperation which feed into the on-going policy dialogue in this regard and, in this setting
  • Define potential follow-up activities for increased EU-India business collaboration in 4IR related subsectors of ICT

Agenda and Speakers

Schedule: June 23rd, 2020 | 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM IST

Register Now
If you have any queries, regarding the webinar please contact: 
Best regards 
Andreas Sommer
Team Leader and Senior Technical Advisor 
Project "India-EU Cooperation on ICT-Related Standardisation, Policy and Legislation"
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