Wednesday, June 24, 2020

STIP2020 Online Panel Discussion on Access to Knowledge and Resources | 26th June

STIP2020 Online Panel Discussion on Access to Knowledge and Resources
Date: 26/06/2020 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (IST)  
Hashtag: #ASKSTIP2020Access
STIP2020 Secretariat & Science Policy Forum are pleased to invite you to panel discussion on the Access to Knowledge and Resources in India's Science, Technology and Innovation ecosystem. This event is part of the extended public and expert consultations for the formulation of India's new Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP).

  • Dr. Rahul Siddharthan, Professor, Institute of Mathematical Sciences- Chennai
  • Prof. Shivashankar, Professor Emeritus, IISc Bangalore, Adviser, i-STEM portal
  • Dr. Alka Suri, Director, DESIDOC, DRDO
  • Dr. Arul George Scaria, Associate Professor, National Law University
  • Ms Purnima Rao, Community Library Project

Moderators: Moumita Koley, Anup Kumar Das
SM Volunteer: Siddharth Jain 

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