Thursday, May 14, 2020

CfPs: International Symposium on Digital Expressions of the Self | 5-8 December 2020 at NIT Silchar

International Symposium on Digital Expressions of the Self
Organized by the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Silchar
7-8 December 2020
Pre-Symposium Workshop: 5-6 December 2020

Abstract Submission: To apply to present at the symposium, please submit an abstract of about 400 words and a bio-note (150 words) using this weblink. Abstracts will be considered on a rolling basis until May 22, 2020. For those accepted, unpublished draft papers (~4,000 words) have to be submitted by August 15, 2020. Final decisions on acceptance, based on the draft papers, will be communicated by August 28, 2020. Those who would require to travel from relatively far are requested to submit their abstracts earlier than the deadline for the organizers to be able to get back within a shorter turnaround time. This way, you will have a greater window to arrange your travel logistics.

Financial Support: Limited subsidy to offset travel costs may be made available for a small number of participants. This is typically meant for postgraduate students, early-career and un(der)employed academics. Details about the travel bursaries will be communicated upon receipt of the draft papers.


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