Wednesday, April 1, 2020

OASPA Webinar: What is Scholarly Communication & Publishing in the 21st Century? Today at 7:30 pm IST

OASPA Webinar: What is Scholarly Communication & Publishing in the 21st Century? Today at 7:30 pm IST

The next OASPA webinar takes place  on Thursday, April 2 at 7:30 pm IST. 

What is scholarly communication and publishing in the 21st Century and what should our priorities for, and values of, scholarship be now? The extent to which researchers and publishers are now making data and articles about COVID-19 openly available, for example, is testament to the impact of the change and the widespread understanding of the benefits of openness and collaboration to accelerate research. This is beginning to reap real benefits for science and society.

Governments around the world are taking an increasing interest in open access and open science because they see direct benefits for society. In the US, open access is now actively under consideration by the White House. We are delighted, therefore, to have secured three US-based experts to explore publishing's role in service to 21st-century scholarship.

Heather Joseph (Executive Director of SPARC), Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English at Michigan State University) and John Wilbanks (Chief Commons Officer at Sage Bionetworks) will each provide their own perspective and then we will open up the webinar to questions from the audience.

More information and speaker biographies can be found on our blog at

This event is free and is open to everyone. A recording will be made available following the event. We welcome a lively interactive question and answer session following the talks.

Best wishes,

Bernie Folan
Events and Communications
OASPA, Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association

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