Wednesday, April 8, 2020

CyberEDU 2020 | Call for Papers

CyberEDU  2020  Call for Papers
There is an increasing need to better understand the human factor in the cyber ecosystem, however much of the existing research is either entirely technical or it sees humans only as component (often as a risk) of the wider cyber ecosystem. This however is an idea which is increasingly challenged and there is need to produce a more substantial body of research and knowledge that shows to positive and active role of the human factor in cybersecurity.  In particular there is a need for shifting the narrative from the human factor to that of the human actor, with a proactive role in facilitating and supporting cybersecurity with also reference to the role of the end-user. The CyberEDU 2020 Call For Papers invites contributions that can advocate for positive consideration of human actors in the cyber ecosystem and seeks papers that can contribute to this message: the Human Element as the last line of defence in cyber! CyberEDU invites contributions in general and specialized topics like cybersecurity training and awareness where security tra ining and awareness are understood as the multitude of frameworks, methods and new ways of educating the human element. We seek a wide range of potential contributions including, but not limited to: case studies, empirical research papers, theory driven contributions and more. In 2019 the focus of CyberEDU was on the sharing of best practices between the Romanian and Finnish Presidencies of the Council of the EU, awarding best papers with presentations in the CyberShare conference, the Awareness Symposium of APWG EU and a journal publication. The 2020 CyberEDU will seek to promote the submitted papers in a similar way and invite to attend  a new project 'The international cyber lab at the Black Sea' in 2021.

Submission Guidelines
Please submit an abstract of one/1 page pdf with main ideas including author name and affiliation, by 18/05 /2020 through Easychair or simple email:  training[at] Submissions must be drafted in English and need to comply with the Springer LNCS style guide, which can be found here and here. All submissions will be reviewed by 2 PC members and receive feedback. Accepted Papers will:
1. be promoted through presentations in conferences like CyberShare conference, APWG Awareness Summit, round tables and workshops;
2. be published in a journal similar to 2019 call;
3. be invited to attend 'The international cyber lab at the Black Sea' in 2021;

Examples of Topics
  • AI in cyber training;
  • Cyber exercises and their learning impact;
  • New ways to measure usefulness of training;
  • Innovative technologies in cyber education;
  • Mind the gap: certifications;
  • Threat landscape for CyberEDU;
  • Your approach on building up a cyber awareness programme;
  • Use of Hands on training;
  • Best practice in legislation supporting the cyber education field;
  • Introduction of gamified elements in cyber training;
  • Cyber education, training and exercises in developing countries.
Committees - General Co-chairs
Dr. IKONOMOU Demosthenes, ENISA
Dr. DE PAOLI Stefano, Abertay University

Contact: All questions about submissions should go through  ATTN D. Catalui. To stay up-to-date with CyberEDU news you can also follow the hastag CyberEDU on social media channels or become a member of this collection on JoinUP platform.

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