Thursday, March 12, 2020

New Report "E-Commerce Issues at the WTO Discussions and in India"

E-Commerce Issues at the WTO Discussions and in India
by Arun S. Nair; Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, 2020.

About the Report: In an era where the digital economy is being globalised at a fast pace, governments and policy makers across the world are trying to address the sensitivities involving cross-border data flows as well as the ramifications of a few developed nations and big firms dominating the e-commerce sector. This Report attempts to give an overview of the developments related to e-commerce rule-making at the multilateral / plurilateral discussions under the auspices of the World Trade Organization, at the bilateral and regional platforms (i.e., lessons from the Regional Trade Agreements) as well as at the national level – namely in India, which is among the world's fastest growing e-commerce markets. On the basis of a review of literature and stakeholder discussions, the Report advocates a balanced approach in such rule-making - at all the above-mentioned levels - that ensures sufficient policy space to countries to safeguard their vital national security objectives, protect the fundamental rights of their citizens, and meet their developmental needs, while eliminating barriers to enable sustainable national and cross-border e-commerce.

Table of Contents
Preface by Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General, RIS
Abbreviations and Acronyms
I. Introduction
II. Centrality of Privacy, Security and Trust
III. Issues at the WTO Discussions
IV. India's Draft National E-Commerce Policy

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