Wednesday, January 1, 2020

CfPs: First International Survey Methodology Conference | 10-11 June, New Delhi

First International Survey Methodology Conference
June 10-11, 2020
NCAER National Data Innovation Centre, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi, India

The NCAER National Data Innovation Centre will host the First International Survey Methodology Conference in India on June 10-11, 2020 at the NCAER India Centre. The Conference seeks to bring together government statistical personnel, academia, and the global research community to explore the challenges and opportunities offered by this changing landscape of data capture, data analysis, data curation, and data usage. The Conference includes a prior training programme.

Call for Papers and Training Participation
Papers are invited for the following four technical sessions spread over two days of the Conference:
  • Use of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) and evaluation of CAPI software programmes in reducing errors in data collection;
  • The experience of conducting telephone surveys in India;
  • Use of paradata for ensuring quality control in social survey research; and
  • Use of innovative study designs and sampling techniques in surveys.

Guidelines for Paper Submission
We invite you to submit extended abstracts (no more than three A4/Letter size pages) of original research papers by February 15, 2020 to Please note the following important pointers for submitting your abstracts:
- Include your affiliation and contact details in the email.
- Mention one of the four sessions noted above for which the paper is being submitted.
- There will be limited number of spaces available for presentation in the technical sessions. Therefore, some of the selected abstracts may be included in a dedicated poster session. Specify clearly if you do not want to be considered for a poster session.
- This is a survey methodology conference, hence, this may not be the right platform for presenting empirical research that is substantive but without a strong methodological component.
After reviewing the extended abstracts, selected authors will be informed by March 15, 2020 about selection either for paper presentation or for a dedicated poster session. Full draft papers will be due by May 1, 2020.

Pre-conference Training Programme, June 8-9, 2020
The conference will be preceded by two days of statistical and methodological training for young professionals and students covering the following indicative topics:
  • Introduction to Survey Sampling
  • Statistical Methods for Disaggregated Level Estimates: Small Area Estimation
  • Introduction to Data Collection Methods
  • Multilevel Modelling: Methodology and Application

Guidelines for Training Programme Application 
Applications for the training programme must be received by February 15, 2020 by email at surveyconf[@] Applicants must:
- Specify the training for which you are applying;
- Include a cover letter (no more than one A4/letter page) describing the relevance of the training to your research study(ies);
- Attach a copy of your curriculum vitae;
- Rank your preferences if you are applying for more than one training in view of limited places in each.

Important Dates
  • Last Date for receiving paper abstracts February 15, 2020
  • Communication on acceptance of paper March 15, 2020
  • Submission of full paper May 1, 2020
  • Application for training programme due on February 15, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance in training programme March 15, 2020
  • Training dates June 8-9, 2020
  • Conference dates June 10-11, 2020

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