Tuesday, December 10, 2019

TNQ Distinguished Lectures in Life Sciences 2020 by Venki Ramakrishnan | AIIMS, New Delhi, 24 January

New Delhi:

January 24, 2020, 4.30 p.m. Jawaharlal Auditorium, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Campus

The TNQ Distinguished Lectures in the Life Sciences 2020

Barcoding Usage

Dear past and present registrants,

Those of you who have already registered with us for our 2020 Lecture Series may have noticed that this year, we have incorporated a barcode in our Registration Confirmation Mail.

This barcode will be scanned by our staff when you enter the auditorium.

We have added the barcode functionality this year to accurately assess the ratio between registrants and actual attendees, in our continual effort to give you all a more enjoyable Lecture experience, each year.

Please note that we are already full in Delhi and rapidly approaching capacity in Bengaluru too. Mumbai and Chennai still have plenty of seats available but we expect them all to be taken very shortly. What this means is that your registration is now critical to ensure you get a seat in the auditorium.

We thank you all for this outpouring of enthusiasm and support. We are humbled and totally delighted!

So if you haven't yet registered for our 2020 Lecture Series and you want to attend, the time to register is NOW. 

The TNQ Distinguished Lectures Team
Click here to register
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