Sunday, December 8, 2019

[apeid.higher_education.bgk] International Scholarship Program on Public Policies in Higher Education (15 Jan 2020)

Dear Colleagues,


Warm greetings from UNESCO Bangkok!


Good news -- below, we are pleased to share a link from our partners, which we encourage you to review and circulate as you see best:


UNESCO-IESALC announces its International Scholarship Program on public policies in higher education


The call will remain open from the date of its publication on the UNESCO IESALC website until January 15, 2020 and its result will be communicated on January 22, 2020.


Good luck!


UNESCO Bangkok
Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development (EISD)



Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development (EISD)

Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education


Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building

920 Sukhumvit Rd.,
Bangkok 10110, Thailand

Tel.: +66 23 91 05 77

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