Sunday, September 22, 2019

CSSP Talk "Skill Development: Theory, Policy and Practice in India" by Dr. K. P. Krishnan (Secretary, MSDE) | 24th September at 3:30PM

Centre for Studies in Science Policy 
Jawaharlal Nehru University


Invites you to a Special Lecture on


Skill Development: Theory, Policy and Practice in India


Dr. K. P. Krishnan

(Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India)


Venue: Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1 Building, JNU


Date: Tuesday, 24th September 2019 | Time: 3:30 PM


Abstract: The structure of the talk will be as follows:

-       Public Economics view of Skill Development; Role of Public Policy/State in Skill Development; Evolution of Indian Skill Development Ecosystem; Current GOI Programs in Skill Development; and Way Forward.


About the Speaker: Born in 1959, Dr. K.P. Krishnan studied Economics at St. Stephens College and Law at the Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi. In 2002, he obtained his PhD in Economics from IIM Bangalore. He joined the Indian Administrative Service in 1983, and has served in various positions in the Government of Karnataka, Government of India and World Bank. Before becoming Secretary in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, he served as Special Secretary in the Department of Land Resources, Additional Secretary in the Department of Economic Affairs, Secretary in the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, and Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs. Dr. Krishnan has authored a number of reports on the Indian financial sector and published many academic papers, primarily on urban development and financial sector issues. In 2012, he held the Bok Visiting Professorship focusing on Indian Capital Market Regulation, at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. In 2017, Dr. Krishnan received the Distinguished Alumni Award of IIM Bangalore.


All are welcome to attend the Lecture.


Coordinator, CSSP Lecture Series

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