Sunday, June 23, 2019

IERB JNU Organises a Poster Making and Debate Competition

Institutional Ethics Review Board of JNU is organizing the following two competitions:

(1) A poster making competition on the theme "How do you see pain, anguish and disturbance as impact of careless and ideologically driven research?"

  1. Poster should be not larger than a standard poster size of 2.5'/2.5'
  2. Can be coloured/ black& white
  3. Should carry a tagline /message
  4. name/ mobile no./institutional address of the artist should be clearly given on the top right corner of the poster.
  5. Poster should be submitted by 30th August at IERB Office address at JNU.

(2) A debate on 'Ethics is on a decline in research today". Speakers "for" and "against" the motion would be asked to present their arguments.

This debate would take place on TUESDAY 3rd September at 2:00 pm at JNU Committee Hall at the Convention Centre.

Further Details

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