Monday, June 17, 2019

CfPs: 11th Conference on Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development | 8-10 October | Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

11th Conference on Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development (MEIDE) and Conference on the Role of Inclusive Entrepreneurship on Youth and Women
8-10 October 2019
Venue: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Organized by UNU-MERIT, United Nations University, CAPEC

Call for Papers
The United Nations University in the Netherlands (UNU-MERIT) is pleased to announce that the 11th Conference on Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development (MEIDE) will be held on 8-9 October 2019 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
The conference will be followed on 10 October 2019 by the closing event of the project,  'The Role of Inclusive Entrepreneurship on Youth and Women', organised by CAPEC (Cellule d'Analyse des Politiques Economiques du CIRES – Centre Ivoirien de Recherches Economiques et Sociales) and funded by IDRC (the International Development Research Centre), Canada. Participants are invited to attend both conferences.
The aim is to gather researchers from around the world to discuss various aspects of innovation as it relates to economic development. Innovation here is to be understood broadly as any kind of innovation in what firms, households, communities and governments do, or in the way they operate. It includes issues linked to knowledge creation, diffusion, measurement and evaluation. Development here comprises growth but also welfare, poverty alleviation, environmental concerns and fairness in the distribution of wealth and income. This year's conference will focus in particular on organisational aspects related to innovation, most notably the place of youth and women in science, research and entrepreneurship.

Researchers are invited to submit their paper or extended abstract by 4 July 2019. Preference will be given to full papers, quantitative studies, empirical papers and papers dealing with this year's special topics. But there is also room for methodological and theoretical papers as well as for case studies, so long as they address the issue of innovation and development (see examples below).
Please use the 'Paper submission' link. Notifications of acceptance will be sent around 4 August 2019. For participants who need an official letter of invitation from the Ivory Coast to apply for a visa to enter the country, there will be a special box to tick when submitting the paper. There is no registration fee, but all participants are responsible for their own travel and hotel costs.
Examples of topics:
Innovation, productivity and firm performance
Innovation, education, health, human capital, and social capital
Innovation in universities and public institutions
Technology adoption and diffusion
Innovation and employment
Innovation and internationalisation
Innovation and the role of financial institutions
Inclusive, indigenous and frugal innovation
Innovation and international trade
Firm learning / upgrading and exports
Effectiveness of innovation policies
Innovation metrics
Non-technological innovations
User innovations
Migration, knowledge and development
Policy evaluations
Innovation and agriculture
Intellectual property rights
Scientific careers and mobility
Productivity and spillovers in scientific research
Cooperation and scientific research networks
Innovation and inequality
Social innovations
Innovation and welfare
Determinants and impacts of high-tech entrepreneurship
Innovation (eco)systems and firm performance
Innovation and economic growth
Innovation and structural change
Market structure and innovation
Innovative start-ups, spin-offs and spin-outs in emerging economies
Knowledge creation and technology transfer

Sponsors: UNU-MERIT; CAPEC; IDRC; Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Cocody-Abidjan, Côte D'Ivoire

Important dates:
Submission deadline: 4 July 2019
Notification of acceptance: 4 August 2019
Registration deadline: 15 September 2019
Sending paper to the organisers: 1 October 2019
11th MEIDE conference: October 8-9, 2019

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