Sunday, May 12, 2019

JSCIRES CfPs: Special issue on Quantitative, Network-theoretic and Altmetric Analysis of Scholarly Big Data

Special issue on Quantitative, Network-theoretic and Altmetric Analysis of Scholarly Big Data

Call for Papers
In the modern connected world full of digital information and scholarly content, identifying the most relevant resources has become a challenge. A researcher, irrespective of his/her discipline of knowledge, now has to depend on online portals, digital libraries and electronic repositories for finding scientific articles in an area and also reporting research results. However, academic search is still provided largely by various search engines, where they treat the task of scholarly article search as a web search problem. In this process, the bibliometric information and associated metadata of scholarly articles is often ignored completely.
This special issue aims to report research results and advances in the area, viewed from different perspectives (such as Computer Science, Informatics, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics and Science & Technology Studies). There are clear applications of Scientometrics to Information Retrieval and vice versa. Applying Scientometrics to Information Retrieval process helps in improving the Information Retrieval results, particularly in Scholarly articles domain, a theme now pursued under the title of Bibliometric Enhanced Information retrieval. Similarly, ideas from Text Analytics and Language Processing can help in developing newer models of Scientometric evaluations and characterizations. Altmetrics, the emerging alternative metrics, are another important area of research having impact on the way scholarly data is processed. Network-theoretic approaches contribute to understanding of the area as well.
Submissions to the special issue are open to researchers from any part of the world. The special issue will mainly draw extended papers from the Indo-German Workshop on Information Retrieval, Informetrics and Scientometrics to be held during 11-13 June 2019 at Cologne, Germany. However, special issue is also open to submissions on the topics covered in the workshop from other authors as well. Authors are solicited to submit articles reporting research results, conceptual advances and experimental studies, describing significant advances in Information Retrieval, Informetrics and Scientometrics. Papers that describe concepts and ideas on the broad intersection of Information Retrieval, Scientometrics, Applied Informetrics and Altmetrics are welcome. The journal allows different kinds of submissions ranging from Research Articles & Perspective Papers to Commentary and Scientific Correspondence. Please see for more details.  
An indicative (but non-exhaustive) list of topics is as below:
  • Academic Databases: Structures, Coverage, Subject Classification, Journal Metrics, Journal Rankings and Categorization, Databases and Digital Libraries, Electronic Repositories, Data infrastructure for research metrics.
  • Altmetrics: Theory and Relevance of alternative metrics, Social media and alternative metrics, Scientific Vs. Public Attention, Country Specific Studies, Disciplinary Differences, Platforms and aggregators.  
  • Collaboration Networks: Authorship Networks, Co-authorship and Collaboration patterns, International Collaboration, Mobility and Internationalization, Community Detection.
  • Citation Studies: Citation Impact, Co-citation analysis, Citation Networks, Studies on Highly Cited Papers.
  • Indicators and Performance Metrics: Bibliometric Indicators, Impact Measures, Metrics for performance assessment of Individuals and journal impact, Use and Abuse of Indicators.
  • Text-based Methods: Identifying Themes and Trends, Topic Modeling, Burst Detection, Keyphrase Identification.
  • Mapping and Visualization: Visualization Tools and Techniques, Visualizing Intellectual Structures of Disciplines, Co-variates and Graphical Visualizations.

  • Paper Submissions By: 31st Aug. 2019
  • Acceptance Notification: 15th Oct. 2019
  • Revised Submission: 15th Nov. 2019
  • Final Acceptance Notification: 15th Dec. 2019
  • Camera Ready Submission: 30th Dec. 2019
  • Online Edition (expected): March 2020

Editors-Special Issue

Associate Editors-Special Issue
  • Aparna Basu, Formerly at CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi, India.
  • Sumit Banshal, South Asian University, New Delhi, India.

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