Thursday, April 4, 2019

AAAS-TWAS Train the Trainers Course on Science Diplomacy | 26-28 August, Trieste, Italy

Call for Expressions of Interest for the AAAS-TWAS Train the Trainers Course on Science Diplomacy

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) invite expressions of interest for the first Train the Trainers Course on Science Diplomacy to be held on 26-28 August 2019 in Trieste, Italy.

The AAAS-TWAS Science Diplomacy training programme was established in 2014 to expose scientists, policymakers, diplomats and other interested stakeholders and institutions to science diplomacy concepts, explore key contemporary international policy issues relating to science, technology, environment and health, and build a skillset to allow for careers at the intersection of science and diplomacy. Over the past five years, we have trained several hundred emerging leaders from more than 50 countries to address science diplomacy from global and regional perspectives. To scale up science diplomacy training and reach larger audiences around the world, AAAS and TWAS are launching the first Train the Trainers course to help organizations from all sectors (governments, universities, NGOs, scientific societies, national academies and multilateral organizations), as well as alumni from our previous courses, design and deliver contextually-relevant science diplomacy content to their home countries, institutions and communities. In addition, participants will benefit from networking and exchanging best practices with like-minded organizations for future collaborations.

This call is open to institutional representatives (not individual applicants) from any sector and region in the world, as well as AAAS-TWAS science diplomacy course alumni delivering (or planning to develop in the next year) science diplomacy training courses at their organizations. After taking part in the Train the Trainers course, participating institutions will be equipped with the knowledge, materials, instructional methodologies, and networks to develop and deliver a science diplomacy course tailored to their region, country or sector.

Deadline to submit applications:  30 April 2019. For any queries, please contact sciencediplomacy[@]

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