Friday, March 29, 2019

CfPs: International Symposium on "Advances in Coastal Research with special reference to Indo Pacific- 2019 (AdCoRe IP-2019)" | 17-19 December; Chennai, India

International Symposium on "Advances in Coastal Research with special reference to Indo-Pacific (AdCoRe IP-2019)"
17-19 December 2019 | Chennai, India
Organized by National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR) and Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14) commits countries to unite over what is a truly global responsibility – the protection of our oceans and the lives below the sea. By 2020, countries commit for achieving the sustainable management of marine ecosystems and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds. This will require an international scientific partnership, regulation for fish harvesting, fishing, and enhance our research knowledge on critical issues concerned to the survival of life below water. The Ministry of Earth Sciences is the focal point in the country to provide input on regional and global science based issues for policy making.
Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and NITI Aayog, Government of India, and with support from the UN in India, is spearheading a programme of national consultations among lawmakers, policymakers, academia, private sector and the civil society on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
The National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), Chennai is an attached office of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. NCCR aims to apply scientific tools and techniques in addressing problems like erosion, ecosystem changes and seawater quality monitoring to monitor the levels of marine pollutants in the seas around India. The NCCR implemented programmes on integrated coastal and marine area management (ICMAM) plan, GIS-based information for critical habitats, determination of waste assimilation capacity, development of EIA guidelines, determination of 'no impact zone', determination of best use classification for coastal waters, shoreline management plans, ecosystem modelling for coastal habitats, marine ecotoxicology and storm surge inundation modelling. NCCR attracts more interaction by research communities at the national and international level with its competence and capabilities developed for the last three decades and enhance the countries capabilities in addressing the challenging problems prevailing in the coastal zone.
India's focus on oceans and marine resources management has been forward looking. With close to 129 institutions in the country working on marine and ocean related issues, largely supported by four ministries of Government of India. NCCR has a mandate to address the coastal issues and challenges across the coastal states of India. Countries across the Indo-Pacific region are having common coastal problems and issues to be addressed. Hence, to share the scientific knowledge on advances in coastal research an International Symposium on Advances in Coastal Research with special reference to Indo Pacific- 2019 (AdCoRe IP 2019) is being organized by the NCCR, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India in collaboration with RIS. The symposium is expected to attract the global scientific experts, academician, researchers and policy makers onto the common platform of collaborating in the area of global challenges facing coastal regions worldwide. Outcome of the symposium will be useful to better understand the common coastal issues of concern, enhance regional cooperation, devise unique strategies and fine tune national policies across the Indo Pacific region.

Themes of the Symposium
Keeping the focus on "Coastal Research Advances", we invite papers on topics of interest to Ocean Scientists / Academicians /Engineers and Technologists in the following areas:
  • Coastal Erosion and Sediment Transport
  • Marine Pollution and Marine Litter
  • Forecasting Coastal Hazards and Sea Level Change
  • Coastal Vulnerability, Floods and Modeling
  • Coastal Ecosystems and Modeling – SDG 14
  • Climate Change and its Impacts on the Coasts
  • Blue Economy (Resources, Energy) and Coastal Governance
  • Ocean Technologies and Small Island Developing States
Call for Extended Abstracts
One page extended abstract of research papers giving details on objective, methodology, salient results and conclusions may please be submitted through conference portal online on or before 31st August 2019. Times New Roman Font of 10pt size with single space may be followed for preparation of abstract. The title of paper, authors' names and their affiliations and the E-mail Id for correspondence may be given along with the abstract. 

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