Sunday, February 10, 2019

Call for Papers: XVII Triple Helix Conference 2019 - a Catalyst for Change | Cape Town, South Africa

The XVII Triple Helix Conference 2019, Triple Helix - a Catalyst for Change
Cape Town, South Africa | 9-11 September 2019

Call for Papers
The Triple Helix model presents an opportunity to achieve innovation outcomes for the socio-economic good through collaboration with multi stakeholders within academia, industry and government spheres. Local and international researchers, policy makers and practitioners will gather together to discuss how to affect positive change by bringing the creators, implementers and enablers of innovation in social, economic and environmental issues together in research collaborations, policy initiatives and political actions in society. 
This call for papers links the Triple Helix with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs-Agenda 2030) and the Africa Union Agenda 2063. Exploring this connection and developing follow up will be a major projected outcome of the 2019 conference. 
SDG-Agenda 2030 are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 (Resolution 70/1) to "Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."
Agenda2063: Toward the Africa we want is the strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years adopted in 2015. These agenda aims to make the world a better place for all and calls on academia, governments and business to collaborate in new ways to make our world a better place to live in. 
The concept of the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relationships initiated in the 1990s by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, analyzes the shift from a predominant industry-government dyad in Industrial Society to triadic relationships among university-industry-government in the Knowledge Society. 
The Triple Helix thesis is that the potential for innovation and economic development in a Knowledge Society resides in a more prominent role for the university in innovation and entrepreneurship and in the hybridisation of elements of institutional spheres and actors, generating new institutional and social formats for the production, transfer and utilization of knowledge. 
A growing community of researchers, practitioners and policy makers carries the Triple Helix project  forward into the 21st century through the Triple Helix Association, including Helice, the Triple Helix Magazine and the open access Triple Helix Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship  and various world region, regional and local cognate organizations, for example, The International Triple Helix Institute, Silicon Valley, and its Global Entrepreneurial University Metrics (GEUM) collaboratory project. 
The call for conference papers, PhD session, poster and Panel session themes are:
Theme 1: The Role of the Entrepreneurial University and University-Industry-government interactions in the XXI Century's Economic Development Agendas
Theme 2: Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Innovation in Civil Society: The Role of Design Thinking and Citizen Science
Theme 3: Post-Industrial Industrial Policy: Convergence and Fusion of Arts, Creative and Service Industries, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Technologies  
Theme 4: Spacial and Temporal Axes of Innovation: Innovation Spaces, Smart Cities and Knowledge-based Rural Development
Theme 5: Gender and Indigenous Equity and Equality in Science, Technology and Innovation 
Theme 6: Other topics related to Triple Helix

Submit Abstract: The major projected outcome of this conference is to explore the connection between the SDGs outlined in the UN Agenda 2030 /African Union Agenda 2063 and the conference themes to develop a legacy project to impact all of Africa. This can only be achieved by bringing together all stakeholders. Introducing a second Call for Speakers and Content contributions (panel and round table discussions, keynotes and workshops).

Contact the organizers to collaborate or find out more:
Mobile/ WhatsApp: +27827081960

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