Thursday, February 8, 2018

Listen to Audio Record of CSSP Talk "Citizen Science: Stopgap Research or the Way Forward", delivered by Asani Bhaduri, DU

Centre for Studies in Science Policy

School of Social Sciences, JNU

Invited you to a Talk on

Citizen Science: Stopgap Research or the Way Forward

delivered by

Dr Asani Bhaduri (Assistant Professor, Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi)

Held on Wednesday, 7th February 2018 at CSSP, SSS-1, JNU   

Abstract: Citizen Science (CS) projects have created more than a buzz in the past few years, especially in the world of web. Is CS the future of Science or a part of the milieu or complete waste of time? This presentation will deal with some of these aspects citing examples from different fields. A special emphasize on Citizen Science projects of India and how Social Citizen Science can emerge as a new field.

About the Speaker: Dr. Asani Bhaduri is an Assistant Professor, at the Cluster Innovation Centre, in University of Delhi. He was awarded PhD in microbiology from Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) and University of Delhi in 2014. In his own words he describes himself as an "impact-free researcher, non-directional traveller, practice-skipping violinist, SLR-less photographer, discerning Omni-reader, forgetful phytologist, benign birder, penniless numismatist, philanthropic philatelist, poorest art-collector, grown-up toy-accumulator, long short(e)mail writer, contradictory agnostic, and pessimistic humanist".


Listen to Audio Record

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