Friday, February 23, 2018

Eugene Garfield: Brief Reflections | by Sujit Bhattacharya, Scientometrics, 2018

Eugene Garfield: Brief Reflections

by Sujit Bhattacharya
Scientometrics, 2018, Volume 114, Issue 2, pp 401–407 

Abstract: Eugene Garfield ubiquitous presence in Scientometrics masks to some extent his influential contributions in diverse areas. Taking this as a premise for this study, the article attempts to trace Garfield's contributions in four key domains: In data analytics, in influencing scholars involved in the study of science as an epistemic practice and a knowledge product, his engagement with scholars in developing countries and in innovation & entrepreneurship. The article however provides only a glimpse of his deep engagement in the above domains. The study concludes by arguing for scientometrics to develop strong connect with the different strands of research in science studies and other cross-disciplinary areas which pioneer like Garfield undertook through his writings, developing social networks and creating knowledge products.

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