Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CfPs: IEG Seminar on "Ecosystem Restoration and Rural Livelihood", 8-9 March

NABARD Chair, IEG Seminar on "Ecosystem Restoration and Rural Livelihood"
Venue: Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi-110007
Dates: 8-9 March 2018

Call for Papers
After the extensive work of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, there has been significant increase in institutional interventions to conserve the natural ecosystems and to restore the loss to the ecosystems, wherever possible, so that the ecosystem services start benefi ting the people, especially the population at the margins. In India, interventions under developmental schemes like MGNREGA and climate adaptation/mitigation schemes are directly contributing to restoration of ecosystems and natural resource base of rural areas. However, the ultimate impact of these schemes on well-being of people is yet to be showcased. This seminar intends to showcase such evidences, if any. Good research papers showing strong evidence that ecosystem restoration have improved or have potential for improving the well-being of people, the enabling/limiting institutions, the cobenefits, etc. can provide valuable policy perspective to attain the important SDG of poverty reduction. 

Theoretical and Empirical Papers are invited on the following areas: 
(i) Ecosystem restoration, rural livelihood, migration and poverty; (ii) Ecosystem management, synergy and tradeoffs; (iii) Ecosystem valuation; (iv) Corporate Social Responsibility and livelihood. 

Limited number of high quality and policy relevant papers with a clear cut message will be accepted for presentation at the seminar. Boarding, lodging and IIIrd AC train fare will be provided to paper presenters. Please send your papers to For other details please visit

Last date of paper submission: 5th February 2018
Information on acceptance: 10th February 2018

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