Thursday, November 23, 2017

GIAN Short Course "Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation: Empirical Approaches and RCTs" at IIT Indore | 10-14 January

Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation: Empirical Approaches and Randomized Control Trials (RCTs)
Venue: School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Indore
10-14 January 2018

Course details

Scientific advances and technological progress are key drivers of innovation and economic growth. Moreover, innovation in firms is vital in gaining advantage over other firms and sustaining survival in a competitive industry. Thus, policymakers give considerable importance to supporting innovation activities of scientists and firms, as they help fuel economic progress. In light of this, an understanding of the economics of science, technology and innovation is of immense significance for a growing economy like India to provide insights to managers and policymakers in order to incentivize and stimulate the process of innovation.
The course will examine the microeconomic foundations of the determinants of innovation and technical change and how science, technology and innovation can foster economic growth, with a focus on the issues facing emerging economies like India. The course will provide an in-depth overview of recent empirical research related to these topics, with a particular emphasis on the role of patents, R&D funding, and the mobility and collaborations of scientific personnel and inventors.
The course will cover several empir ical methods that economists use to provide r igorous, evidence-based analysis of innovation. Significant attention will be devoted to use of randomized control tr ials (RCTs), which is cur rently anunderutilized method in the field of innovation economics, despite its wide use in other fields of economics, notably in development economics. RCTs have great potential for providing policymakers with evidence about which tools, policies and programs work in increasing innovation and foster ing economic growth. 

Objectives of the Course
Participants will learn about the microeconomic theoretical foundations for the determinants of innovation and how innovation can increase economic growth.
They will learn the core econometric tools used for empirical research in innovation. 
The use of randomized control trials (RCTs) will be covered in depth.
Participants will become familiar with important empirical evidence from research on innovation and technical change.
In teams, participants will develop a proposal for an RCT that could be used to study an innovation policy question.

Who Can Attend
  • Research scholars in the field of economics of innovation and intellectual property rights, industrial organization and public policy.
  • Business executives in the area of IP management
  • Postgraduate students of Economics and Law.
How to Register
  • Stage 1: Register on GIAN portal
  • Stage 2: Course Registration (GIAN Portal)
  • Click on Course Registration option given at "Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation: Empirical Approaches and Randomized Control Trials (RCTs)". 
  • Confirm your registration by clicking "Confirm". 
  • Selected candidates will be intimated through e-mail by course coordinator about further process of registration and fee paymant. Candidates may be directly contact course coordinator at for further information.
Last date to register: 30th November 2017

Teaching Faculty
Dr. Ina Ganguli: is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a core faculty member of the Computational Social Science Institute. She holds a PhD from Harvard University and a Master's in Public  Policy from the University of Michigan. Her primary research areas are labor economics and the economics of science and innovation, and she has run several randomized control trials in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship. Her recent research has focused on the migration of high-skill  workers, the formation of scientific collaborations, and the role of information in entry into scientific careers. Ina is also a Research Fellow at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) at the Stockholm School of Economics, and a fellow at the Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences at Harvard University. She is a recent recipient of an NBER Innovation Policy grant, a Nesta Innovation Growth Lab (IGL) innovation, entrepreneurship and growth experiments grant,  and an Early Career Research Award from the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Her research has been published in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, and Research Policy. The above fee includes all instructional materials and internet facility. 

Coordinator Course: Dr. Ruchi Sharma is an Associate Professor of Economics at Indian Institute of Technology Indore. She has worked as an Assistant Professor at IIT Delhi and held visiting position at IIM Indore. Her research areas are Economics of Innovation, Patent Policy and Technology Transfer (FDI and Licensing). Currently, her research group is working on R&D and patenting by Indian firms, patenting by Indian universities and academic institutions and the impact of FDI on innovation by Indian firms. She has completed sponsored research project funded by Indian Council of Social Sciences Research. She has published research papers in international journals of repute like Economics of Innovation and Technology, Journal of Economic Studies, Global Economic Review and Journal of Intellectual Property Rights and World Patent Information. She was awarded Kusuma Young Faculty Incentive Fellowship at IIT Delhi. 

Dr. Ruchi Sharma, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Simrol, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 453552; Email: | Website:

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