Sunday, August 28, 2016

ICT in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Underserved Areas: Special and Last Edition UNESCO Office in Bangkok

The ICT in Education Newsletter, August 2016, is now available. Please feel free to forward it to members of your networks.  To view online, click here.

ICT in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Underserved Areas: Special and Last Edition

August 2016 | UNESCO Bangkok Office


Dear readers,

It's been a pleasure to release e-newsletter editions for all of our enthusiastic readers over the past 10+ years. With this August 2016 edition as our last issue, the newsletter will be discontinued and merged into the UNESCO Bangkok Education e-Newsletter to be launched in November 2016.  Along with the special articles to be featured in the new UNESCO Bangkok Education e-Newsletter, we hope to continue reaching out to our readers through social network platforms. Please join us, support us and follow us on our Facebook page and Twitter, which will be more regularly updated with the latest information, events, interesting articles, and other announcements from our team.© Flickr/Bread for the World

Please note that all of our subscribers will be automatically re-subscribed to the unified UNESCO Bangkok Education e-Newsletter. Of course, you will have the option to unsubscribe once the first Education edition is out.

As this is our last edition, we wanted to end it on an important focus of teaching and learning in underserved areas, as our aim is continuously to empower and provide quality education to all, regardless of their geographic, social and economic status. Teachers' role in this regard cannot be overstated in achieving quality education for all; yet, there is still much work to be done to support them and their environments, as they represent a profession that is devoted to teaching our future generations, especially in marginalized and remote areas.

On the final note, our team would like to extend a special thank you once again to all of our readers and donors for your invaluable feedback and interest in the past newsletters, which not only helped evolve our newsletter to the current form, but served as a learning opportunity for us all, challenged us to reach new heights, and motivated us to do better!

If you haven't already, please like our page on Facebook and Twitter to follow what our team is doing, what topics we are working on, and what is going on in the world and Asia-Pacific in regard to ICT in Education! Hope to see you all at our events and projects!

We hope you enjoy reading this edition!

Highlights: ICT in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Underserved Areas (by UNESCO Bangkok, APEID)
This article provides a UNESCO perspective, mandate, policies and projects on reaching, supporting, and providing equalizing opportunities for quality education for marginalized and hard-to-reach communities in Asia-Pacific. Promising Uses of Technology in Education in Poor, Rural and Isolated Communities Around the World (by Michael Trucano, Senior ICT and Education Specialist, World Bank)
This article looks at the challenges of effectively utilizing ICTs in remote and low income communities around the world, provides lessons learned and recommendations on what to consider when planning such projects in developing countries and underserved areas.  

Programmes and Projects: Teacher Support through Distance Education in Rural Areas: A Case from Western China (by Ge Yi and Zhao Yuchi, UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education)
This article shares the SNU's strides in supporting in-service training of school teachers in rural areas through distance education with the aim of addressing the underdeveloped educational infrastructure, limited resources, and shortage of qualified teachers in Yulin city. Reducing Education Divide through Multimedia Classroom (by Md. Afzal Hossain Sarwar, Education Innovation, Access to Information [a2i] Programme, Prime Minister's Office, Bangladesh)
This article features the Bangladesh government-led programme to improve and modernize the country's education system through multimedia classrooms in every school across the country. Mobile Ger Kindergartens
This UNICEF Mongolia and Save the Children UK project (supported by the Mongolian Ministry of Education and Science) aims to support hard-to-reach nomadic children by traveling to these areas equipped with teaching materials, toys, meals, and more, taking place inside 'ger's'. Burmese Migrant Workers' Education Committee (BMWEC) Learning Centres
This community-based organization provides education opportunities for migrant youth and internally displaced persons through a network of 25 learning centres along the Thai-Burmese border. "Digital Rainbow" project (The Shilpa Sayura Foundation)
Through the World Bank and Microsoft ICT outreach partnership, the initiative provided grants to NGOs to develop innovative solutions to tackle youth employment and provide training in new technologies in South Asia. "Broad Class-Listen to Learn" Interactive Radio Instruction Program
This radio program in Pakistan aims to broaden access to education for young children of marginalized public schools in Islamabad by using radio instruction to deliver English lessons, literacy, numeracy and life skills as well as teaching materials. 

News and Events: Central Asia Symposium on ICT in Education (CASIE) 2016: Unleashing the Potential of ICT for Skills Development (27-29 June 2016, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan)
This article provides an overview of CASIE 2016, one of the unique UNESCO Bangkok policy platforms for Central Asian republics to deliberate on educational issues at hand, share best practices, and promote collaboration. International Literacy Day (8 September 2016)
This year's event marks the 50th anniversary of the International Literacy Day, and invites governments, multi- and bilateral organizations, NGOs, private sectors, teachers, learners, and others to join in to celebrate this worldwide event. International Literacy Prizes will also be awarded to individuals with outstanding and innovative projects that drive literacy towards achieving Education 2030. 5th UNESCO-APEID Meeting on Entrepreneurship Education - Transforming Entrepreneurs: From Job Seekers to Job Givers (26-29 September 2016, Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia)
To address the high global unemployment rates, this meeting aims to explore innovative and enterprising solutions to address such challenges, and enhance the quality of entrepreneurship education in Asia and the Pacific. World Teachers' Day: Empowering Teachers, Building Sustainable Societies (5 October 2016)
Since 1966 this UNESCO initiative is devoted to appreciating, assessing, and improving the educators of the world, especially in light of Education 2030 agenda, as this crucial profession still needs much support and addressing of continuous challenges. The HEAD Foundation Request for Proposals in Education 2016
The Foundation is seeking research proposals that focus on its 4 programmes of research: Education Futures, K-12 Development, Higher Education, Skills & Employability. It is also looking for projects that go beyond education but meet the mission of the Foundation. The deadline for submissions is 1 September 2016. 

Resources: Cause Beautiful
A not-for-profit organization aimed to empower youth in poor and underprivileged neighborhoods to utilize photography as a social change tool and an opportunity for learning. Freedom HIV/AIDS
Initiative on HIV/AIDS education and awareness through mobile phone games for urban and rural populations. Molecular Workbench
Free and open source interactive simulations in teaching and learning science for those who cannot afford to take part in real-time science experiments. DAZ 3D
Free 3D software, models, accessories and environments for students' and teachers' use.

New Publications: Diverse Approaches to Developing and Implementing Competency-based ICT Training for Teachers: A Case Study
This fresh-off-the-shelf UNESCO Bangkok case study provides an extensive overview of various country approaches to developing ICT Teacher Competency Standards, with global perspectives and country contexts from Australia, Korea, China, as well as a blended approach by a non-profit organization, the Global e-School and Communities Initiative (GeSCI). It is aimed to serve as a resource for countries who wish to implement such Standards in their respective contexts by learning from others' experiences and contextualizing the various approaches to their needs. Directory of Free Educational Resources for Teachers (Science and Classroom Productivity)
With the kind support of Chungdahm Learning Inc., UNESCO Bangkok has released two directories/collection of digital resources for teaching and learning, including "Science" (lower secondary) and "Classroom Productivity". The content is freely available in DVDs and USBs, as well as on the UNESCO website to download.  World Development Indicators 2016
This World Bank collection of development indicators provides the latest global development data, divided into national, regional and global estimates. Literacy in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts: Effective Approaches to Adult Learning and Education
This UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) compilation of literacy programmes advocates for mother tongue-based literacy instruction, and provides examples of good practice, as well as essential lessons in multilingual and multicultural contexts. The Global Information Technology Report 2016  
Focusing on 7 countries that are leaders in generating impact from ICTs, the report brings forward evidence that adopting ICTs along with an enabling environment may be the pathway to success and wider benefits for societies at large. 


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UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education,
920 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

The opinions expressed in the documents included in this newsletter are those of the authors and editors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNESCO, nor of any particular Division or Office. All rights to the resources included in this guide remain with their respective copyright owners, as indicated for each resource.



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