Friday, June 24, 2016

Maker Movement in Education UNESCO Office in Bangkok

The ICT in Education Newsletter, June 2016, is now available. Please feel free to forward it to members of your networks.  To view online, click here.


Maker Movement in Education

June 2016 | UNESCO Bangkok Office


Dear readers,

This month's theme focuses on the maker movement and culture in education, and its rapid growth in informal and increasingly formal education sectors. It hopes to address a growing cause of debate of how to best incorporate its useful characteristics to improve learning outcomes and inspire youth and adults to develop a culture of lifelong learning, collaboration, communication, and more.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition!

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.© Flickr/Maker Festival Toronto

Highlights: Lifelong Learning and the Maker Movement (by UNESCO Bangkok, ICT in Education)
This article explores the spur of the maker movement globally and in Asia-Pacific, provides information on some of its contributing factors to sustainable development and lifelong learning, while sharing a few recommendations on how to better understand and proceed in approaching and incorporating the maker culture into our daily lives, especially for the underrepresented communities. The Maker Movement in Education: A New Global Transformation (by Dr. Paul Kim, Chief Technology Officer & Assistant Dean, Stanford University Graduate School of Education) 
This article provides a glimpse into the maker movement globally, and its implications on the field of education, including its ability to open new possibilities unimaginable before and broaden the borders of schooling. The Spontaneous Emergence of Maker Dispositions in Schools: A Case Example from Singapore (by Kenneth Lim, Research Scientist, the National Institute of Education, Singapore) 
This article provides a more focused example of maker culture in a public school in Singapore, which adopted the approach of a Co-Curriculum Activity for students in order to develop such skills as leadership, while encouraging other qualities, such as a 'can do' spirit. 

Programmes and Projects: Intel Innovation Spaces: Cultivating a Generation of Tech Creators for a Smart Nation (by Sattiya Langkhapin and Anshul Sonak, Corporate Affairs Group Intel Asia Pacific)
This Intel project, the Innovation Space programme, promotes innovative skills through maker activities, particularly through the use of technology. FabLearn Labs
This global network of educational digital labs put the latest technology for design and development into the hands of middle and high school students in order to promote innovation and collaborative problem solving to engage students in authentic experiences and projects. Women Who Code
This non-profit organization aims to inspire women to pursue technology careers, by providing various paths into the tech world, empowering women with the skills they need, and building a networking community of women in tech around the world. Lifelong Kindergarten
This group engages people in various creative educational experiences through the use and development of technologies. Their goal is to promote a world of constant invention for creators and their communities. Mouse
This programme aims to empower non-dominant youth through a purpose, by designing to prototype assistive technologies with and for communities with disabilities. 

News and Events: UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education Prize 2016: The Use of ICTs in Education for Disadvantaged Groups
The Prize will reward organizations and individuals for innovative practices to leverage ICTs to expand access to education for groups including refugees; internally displaced persons; socioeconomically disadvantaged learners; people with disabilities; cultural, ethnic and religious minorities; and vulnerable women and girls. Two prize-winners will be selected and awarded on 21 February 2017 at a ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris where the winners will receive 25,000 USD each and a certificate of recognition signed by the Director-General and the Chairperson of the International Jury of independent experts. The deadline for submission is 30 September 2016. Wenhui Award for Educational Innovation 2016: Innovative Partnerships for Quality Inclusive Education
For 2016, the theme of the Wenhui Award aims to recognize innovative and strategic partnerships that have helped to provide and enhance quality learning opportunities for all, particularly to those most disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized. Two individuals or institutions from the Asia and Pacific region will be selected and will each receive a Certificate of Excellence and prize money of US$ 20,000. Certificates of Merit may also be awarded to individuals or institutions that have demonstrated commendable innovative practices. Nominations shall be submitted to the Award Secretariat at UNESCO Bangkok through the National Commissions for UNESCO, UNESCO Offices and other organizations associated with UNESCO, using an official Award Application Form. 2016 UNESCO International Literacy Prizes: Innovation in Literacy
Through these prestigious Prizes, UNESCO seeks to support effective literacy practices and encourages the promotion of dynamic literate societies: the UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize and the UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy. Each of the five prizewinners receives a medal, a diploma and US$20,000. Last date to submit Online Nominations: June 2016. 18th UNESCO-APEID International Conference: In Pursuit of Quality Education: The Past, Present and Future (26-28 October 2016, Bangkok, Thailand)
This year, the objectives of the 18th UNESCO-APEID International Conference are to understand how quality is understood in education, showcase innovative approaches and practices, enhance understanding of assessment, monitoring and evaluation, and facilitate collaboration and networking. Eminent speakers and paper presenters will share their rich experiences in linking theory and practice. Policy makers, academicians, researchers, school leaders and administrators, educators, parents, students and representatives from international organizations, local communities and the private sector attending the Conference will be able to interact and engage in stimulating discussions about policies, strategies, approaches, tools and resources for quality education. EdTech Asia Summit 2016 (30-31 July 2016, Bangkok, Thailand)
This Summit aims to provide deeper understanding of the constantly changing needs within the education sector, while highlighting trends in the innovation, entrepreneur and investment sectors. Women Make the News - Thailand 
Help us make the voices of women stronger in the media!
Are you a woman from Thailand? Are you an expert in your field? Do you feel underrepresented in the media? You should!!! In one month of Thai television news coverage, only 1 in 4 experts or members of the public interviewed were women, according to a study conducted in 2014 for UNESCO's International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).
Women Make the News – Thailand initiated by UNESCO Bangkok and the Research Center of Communication and Development Knowledge Management (CCDKM) seeks to address this gender gap: by creating an online database of Thai women experts that can serve as an effective tool that journalists can use to incorporate more female sources in their news coverage. The database will cover three themes of expertise: Information and Communication Technologies & Innovation; Environment & Climate Change; Cultures & Histories of ASEAN countries. All contents will be accessible in English and Thai. You are an ICT expert and want to learn more about the project? You are interested in adding your profile to the database? Please contact:

Resources: Makers and Shakers of Education Technology Index
This is the first comprehensive list of global leaders in the edtech sector. It showcases the innovative and creative use of technology to improve teaching and learning. Divided by regions, readers can learn about the leaders of the edtech industry in Asia-Pacific. Maker Ed
This non-profit organization aims to support and empower educators, especially in underserved areas, to create and encourage meaningful making and learning experiences for students. Their vision is that every child is a maker. Through various projects, such as Maker Corps, Young Makers, Open Portfolio Project, and others, Maker Ed provides opportunities for creation, innovation, and sharing, as well as professional development programmes.
This online platform is one of the major central hubs for the maker movement, providing all interested makers with resources, projects, and general information to follow individually or as part of a classroom. MakeHers Report: Engaging Girls and Women in Technology through Making, Creating, and Inventing
This insightful Intel publication explores some of the factors of why women are avoiding STEM fields, and how to inclusively and effectively create a space for them in the maker environments and projects. UNESCO Bangkok releases two new repositories of Free Educational Resources for Teachers 
These two directories, including "Science" (lower secondary) and "Classroom Productivity" aim to provide teachers and teacher educators with a new and updated collection of curated free digital content, software, and a set of productivity tools. These will be available in both DVDs and USBs, as well as on the UNESCO website to freely download. The development of the repositories are supported by Chungdahm Learning and Korea Funds-in-Trust. 

New Publications: Asian Guidelines for Early Childhood Teacher Development and Management
This UNESCO and SEAMEO publication provides the guidelines for ECCE teacher development in order to strengthen this workforce and support their capacity development. Enhancing Relevance in TVET: Review of Progress in the Asia-Pacific since 2012
This UNESCO Review provides an evaluation of the progress made by countries in the Asia-Pacific region in improving and developing their TVET Systems since 2012. It provides general findings, while offering recommendations to the recent regional developments. The Future of Jobs Report
This WEF report aims to provide information on the new categories of jobs that will emerge in the future, the relevant skills, as well as general trends, which may affect the industry gender gap, by region and industry. 

Next Issue: The August edition will focus on ICT in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Underserved Areas. If our readers are interested in contributing to this edition, please do not hesitate to contact us with the information of your affiliation, area of interest/expertise, and a brief proposal for a possible contribution and its relevance to the theme (by the beginning of the chosen month's edition theme). 

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UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education,
920 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

The opinions expressed in the documents included in this newsletter are those of the authors and editors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNESCO, nor of any particular Division or Office. All rights to the resources included in this guide remain with their respective copyright owners, as indicated for each resource.




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