Monday, May 2, 2016

Art and cinema industries in India : Norms, workers and territories | 6th May | New Delhi

Art and cinema industries in India : Norms, workers and territories

From Friday 06 May 2016 -  09:30am
To Monday 06 June 2016 - 05:30pm
                    Location: Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, Saket, New Delhi                                  Contact:

"The Other Thought  French-Indian Encounters on Creativity and Innovation" presents the international workshop :

Art and cinema industries in India : Norms, workers and territories

6th May, 2016  at the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, Saket, New Delhi


The participation of cultural industries to sustainable development has been increasingly acknowledged in the past decades and the necessity to bring forward its potentials in India is urgent. The question of Indian cultural industries, policy and economy remains hardly addressed despite a contribution estimated to 30% of employment and 14% of the country GDP. The abysmal lack of official statistics on the cultural industries pointed out ten years ago by the Taskforce for Creative and Cultural Industry (2006) as not been filled. Workers and territories are emerging from behind veils of unrecognition while international laws are becoming more accurate. More broadly, there is a lack of understanding of the social, political and economic role that cultural industries can play in the development the country and in South Asia.

In the line of recent studies on norms and standardization process in cultural industries (Bouquillion et al. 2013), this workshop explores the articulation between norms and cultural industries in the Indian globalization context. The two sectors at the heart of the analysis will be cinema and visual arts. Among the issues that will be discussed : to what extent have these standards transformed the activities related to visual arts and cinema ? who are the actors producing these norms, working for their implementation or adaptation ? How to take into account the importance of informal system in the production and distribution of cultural goods ? What are the conflicts and forms of resistance encountered with the local socio-economic realities? The aim of this workshop is to shed light on the evolution and impact of norms in cultural policies, on art workers and local territories, the integration the informal systems, and tensions with socio-economic realities.

The workshop will be structured by 4 sessions :

  • Norms and Normalization in cultural industries : Theoretical and methodological approaches
  • Framework for Art and Cinema statistics in India
  • Toward new industrial dynamics  : experiences and contributions of workers and entrepreneurs
  • Art and Cinema territories in recomposition

This workshop will bring together specialists in policy making, economics, cultural industries, art market and professionals from the art and film industries. The objectives are to boost awareness, research and proactive policy development for cultural industries in India as encouraged in the Jodpur Initiatives. In a long term perspective, the intent is to strengthen Indo-French scientific cooperation on cultural industry research and enhance a transdisciplinary, international and interprofessionnal research group on cultural industries, policy and economy in India.

(Christine Ithurbide and Soraya Hamache, April 2016)

Find the programme here

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