Wednesday, May 4, 2016

[apeid.higher_education.bgk] Wenhui Award for Educational Innovation 2016 - Call for nominations

Wenhui () Award for Educational Innovation 2016

Innovative Partnerships for Quality Inclusive Education



Call for nominations

Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and Nobel Prize winner, said, "Access to quality education has enabled me to reach far beyond the Bangladeshi village I grew up in."


Imagine the potential impact on society worldwide when we multiply Mr. Yunus' accomplishments by 7 billion (the number of people in the world) if EVERYONE has access to quality education!


Unfortunately, statistics tells a different story with nearly 58 million children still out-of-school and 781 million adults being illiterate. Even for those who attended school, 250 million children were not learning basic skills. Such data in tandem with persistent shortages of trained teachers, teaching materials, facilities and resources led to this recommendation �C "Must try harder" �C in the report card for Education for All Goal 6 on the quality of education at the end of 2015.


The 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, commits all governments to provide quality education to all irrespective of their sex, age, race, ethnicity, including persons with disabilities, migrants, indigenous peoples, children and youth, and at all levels �C early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary, technical and vocational training. To do so, effective partnerships and engagement at all levels and in all areas is therefore a priority.


The Wenhui () Award for Educational Innovation, established by the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO, and coordinated by UNESCO Bangkok, aims to recognize the contributions of educators and institutions which have optimized the potential of education and the human innovative spirit to address and resolve pressing issues and problems facing our world today.


For 2016, the theme of the Wenhui Award is Innovative Partnerships for Quality Inclusive Education to recognize innovative and strategic partnerships that have helped to provide and enhance quality learning opportunities for all, particularly to those most disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized.


Two individuals or institutions from the Asia and Pacific region will be selected by a jury of distinguished educators. The winners will each receive a Certificate of Excellence and prize money of US$ 20,000. Certificates of Merit may also be awarded to individuals or institutions that have demonstrated commendable innovative practices. The results will be announced through a variety of channels to share the achievements of the winners and awardees.



Who is eligible for the Award?

Individuals or institutions from UNESCO Member States in Asia and the Pacific region that have designed and implemented significant educational innovations leading to improved access to, and quality in, education and skills development will be eligible for the Award.


More specifically, the Jury will be looking for educational innovations that have:


         demonstrated their ability in developing practices that have contributed to the quality of education for all through innovative partnerships;

         verified the positive impact of their innovative partnerships in education bringing about noticeable changes enabling learners to contribute towards peaceful, just and sustainable world;

         proven their commitment in promoting and supporting the principles of inclusive and lifelong quality learning for all; and

         established that their innovative practices are current and relevant to the educational issues of the 21st century.



How to apply for the Award?

Applications can be submitted by government agencies, educational institutions, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and individuals in UNESCO Member States in the Asia and Pacific region. All applications should reach the Award Secretariat at UNESCO Bangkok through the National Commissions for UNESCO, UNESCO Offices and other organizations associated with UNESCO, using an official Award Application Form available online at the Award website.


More details about the Award, including the list of UNESCO offices and associated institutions, evaluation criteria, application process and conditions of entry, are available at the Award website:



Important dates

Closing date for nominations                            29 July 2016

Selection of shortlisted nominations                  2 September 2016

Final selection and announcement of winners    End of September 2016

Award ceremony                                              To be confirmed



For further information, contact:


Wenhui Award Secretariat

UNESCO Bangkok

920 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong

Bangkok 10110, Thailand

Tel: (66-2) 391-0577

Fax: (66-2) 391-0866



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