Wednesday, May 11, 2016

[apeid.higher_education.bgk] 18th UNESCO-APEID International Conference - Call for papers

18th UNESCO-APEID International Conference

In Pursuit of Quality Education: The Past, Present and Future

26-28 October 2016, Bangkok, Thailand


Call for papers

Providing access to education for all (EFA) had been a global agenda for the past 15 years. Most countries in the Asia and Pacific region made remarkable gains in expanding access to education at all levels. However, progress on improving the quality of the education, particularly in terms of student learning and related teaching and learning conditions, was less impressive, resulting in this recommendation in the Report Card 2000-2015 for EFA Goal #6 on the quality of education: "Must try harder". The Sustainable Development Goal 4-Education 2030 agenda – ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all – reinforces the growing consensus about quality being at the heart of education to measure (i) learner's cognitive development and (ii) education's role in promoting values and attitudes of responsible citizenship and in nurturing creative and emotional development.


UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education in Bangkok, Thailand, is organizing the 18th UNESCO-APEID International Conference, In Pursuit of Quality Education: The Past, Present and Future to facilitate leading-edge discussions about the quality of education, and to identify gaps where more research and efforts are needed to achieve inclusive and quality education by 2030.


Sub-themes of the Conference

  1. Getting the Big Picture: Concepts and Frameworks of Quality Education

  • Defining the quality of education in the past, present and future

  • Investigating factors and inputs that lead to quality education

  • Reviewing the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders to ensure the quality of education

  • Examining platforms and channels for effective dialogues about quality education


  1. Putting into Practice: Innovations for Increasing the Quality of Education

  • Promoting good practices that impact stakeholders of quality education (learners, teachers, school leaders, policy makers, families, communities, private sector, development agencies)

  • Developing effective and appropriate curricula, contents, and teaching and learning materials

  • Enhancing innovative learning processes, pedagogies, technologies and tools for quality education

  • Optimizing supportive environment, infrastructures, facilities and resources for quality education


  1. Keeping Track: Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation of Quality Education

  • Establishing standards and competencies frameworks for quality education

  • Identifying indicators, approaches and tools to measure and monitor the quality of education

  • Exploring alternative models for the assessment and evaluation of quality education

  • Building the capacity to assess, monitor and evaluate the quality of education


  1. Sustaining the Commitments: Effective Policies and Strategies for Quality Education

  • Formulating evidence-based policies and strategies for the effective governance and management of quality education

  • Empowering leadership to foster and improve the quality of education

  • Determining gaps and weaknesses in the provision of quality education for further research

  • Strengthening partnerships, collaboration and networks to enhance the quality of education


Submit your abstracts

The organizers invite papers on the Conference sub-themes. Submit abstracts (in English), no longer than 200 words, at by 15 July 2016.



Register online at, or contact the Conference Secretariat at for further information.


Conference fees

International participant         US$ 350

Early bird*                              US$ 250

Full-time student                    US$ 150

Resident of Thailand              US$ 150

Group registration**               US$ 250 each

* Payment for Early bird registration must be received by UNESCO Bangkok by 15 September 2016.

** For 5 or more individuals from the same organization/institution.


Send bank draft payable to "UNESCO" at the following address:

UNESCO-APEID International Conference Secretariat

UNESCO Bangkok

920 Sukhumvit Road

Bangkok 10110, Thailand


Important dates

Submission of abstracts                              15 July 2016

Notification of abstract acceptance             15 August 2016

Payment for early bird registration fees      15 September 2016

Payment of registration fees                        21 October 2016



For more information, contact:


UNESCO-APEID International Conference Secretariat

UNESCO Bangkok

920 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong

Bangkok 10110, Thailand

Tel: (66-2) 391 0577

Fax: (66-2) 391 0866





"The right to a quality education is, I believe, the perfect path to bridge the gap between different cultures and to reconcile various civilizations. Without such a right, the values of liberty, justice and equality will have no meaning." - Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

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