Wednesday, March 9, 2016

CSSP Lecture "Assessment of Marketed and Marketable Surplus of Major Foodgrains in Gujarat" by Dr Munish Alagh | 16th March at 11:30 A.M.

Centre for Studies in Science Policy

School of Social Sciences, JNU


Invites you to a

Talk on

Assessment of Marketed and Marketable Surplus of Major Foodgrains in Gujarat


Dr Munish Alagh

Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR), Ahmedabad, Gujarat



Venue:  Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1

Time:   11:30 A.M.

Date:    Wednesday, 16th March 2016

Abstract: This presentation  makes an attempt to answer the question does Agriculture in a Market Dominated Business Environment Context as in Gujarat depend on Government sponsored efforts or does the individual networking and enterprise of the farmer count? The answer according to the author is that for the Gujarati farmer the Trader is all important as a Source of Information and as a buyer of his produce. Though Gujarat has a market based agriculture, incremental sale possibilities and factors like future trading are not very dominant. However, Institutional Credit Sources like Banks and Cooperative Societies are Dominant. A regression study done by the author indicates that factors representing developed agriculture have a significant effect on the marketed surplus ratio. While the marketed surplus of farmers by size class depends on the size of the farm, per hectare surplus is not significantly different between small and large farmers but is lower for medium farms. Transport links and location of markets are important. Further results obtained in this study are enumerated in the presentation

About the Speaker: Dr. Munish Alagh is presently Senior Fellow of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) equivalent to Associate Professor at the Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR) in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Prior to his current assignment, he was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Management in Agriculture at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA). He has authored publications primarily in the areas of Agricultural Markets and Price Behavior, Food Policies, Behavioral Economics and Economics of Organizations. Dr. Alagh has authored two books, Agricultural Prices in a Changing Economy: An Empirical Study of Indian Agriculture, published by Academic Foundation (2011), and Entrepreneurial Journey (Cases on Entrepreneurship), published by Himalaya Publishing House (2015). His third book on Marketed Surplus in Gujarat is expected to be published in early 2016.


All are welcome to attend the lecture.

Coordinators, CSSP Lecture Series

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