Tuesday, March 1, 2016

CfPs: S&T Indicators Conference 2016: deadline March 14th

The S&T Indicators Conference 2016
14-16 September 2016
València (Spain)

The deadline for submission is approaching: March 14th.
Submission types: Short papers (3,000 words), Research in progress (1,500 words), Poster (up to 1,000 words) and Special Session (2,000 words).

The focus of the conferences is frontiers, peripheries and beyond, i.e. -- design and use of indicators in geographical, social and cognitive spaces where conventional approaches do not work. This includes broader policy debates on research assesments and their effects.

The conference will include Special Tracks on

a) Data infrastructure and data quality for evolving research metrics. Led by Cameron Neylon (Curtin University).

b) International benchmarking of innovation: challenges and adequacy for developing and developed regions. Led by Luciana Marins (UNESCO Institute of Statistics).

c) Measuring diverse research "qualities": indicators of societal impact, engagement, participation, and local relevance. Led  by Judith Sutz (Univ. República, Uruguay).

d) Collaborations, mobility and internationalization. Led by Rigas Arvanitis (IFRIS, IRD, France).

e) Social sciences and the humanities. Led  by Thed van Leeuwen (CWTS, Leiden University).

f) Smart use of indicators for innovation policy. Led by Hugo Hollanders & Lili Wang (United Nations University – MERIT).


Other topics include

1     Data infrastructure for research metrics.

2     Social media and alternative metrics.

3     Visualisation for policy and evaluation.

4     How do indicators shape research agendas?

5     Evaluation of mission-oriented research.

6     Science participation and communication.

7     Inclusive innovation and grassroots innovation.

8     Indicators for sustainable development in socio-economic transitions.

9     Gender and gendered research and innovation.

10  International benchmarking of innovation: challenges and adequacy. 

11. Innovation, creativity and culture.

Papers accepted will be published in an open access proceedings book (including a doi number per paper). Editors of the journals "Research Evaluation", "Scientometrics" and "Science and Public Policy" will be on the lookout for thematic clusters of potential papers.

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