Wednesday, March 30, 2016

CfPs on Science, Technology and Innovation in BRICS and MINT Countries | For special issue of African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation & Development (AJSTID)

Call for Papers for a Special issue of


African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID):


Science, Technology and Innovation in BRICS and MINT Countries


The term 'BRIC' (Brazil, Russia, India and China) was coined in 2001 by Jim O'Neill a former Goldman Sachs economist. He anticipated that these emerging economics would be global economic powerhouses in the mid-21st century. A decade later, South Africa was added to this group of countries and the term thenceforth became 'BRICS'. Today, the term has become a very common jargon and is increasingly playing an important role in the global economic landscape. These five countries are now joined in an association to foster mutual development. Jim O'Neill further predicted that Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey (MINT) will be the next economic powerhouses. These countries share common socio-economic and demographic conditions, for example, young population, crucial geographical locations and so on. The huge number of skilled workers is an advantage for these emerging economies. Although, in recent years MINT member countries are undergoing rapid growth and showing potential, they face many issues that are typically not part of the mainstream discourse. One such issue is mutual development in the area of science, technology and innovation (STI). Despite their commonalities, the flow of technology and knowledge among the BRICS and MINT economies still fall far behind the inflows from the global North. Moreover, the origin of these groups of countries is rooted in macroeconomic analyses of national conditions. It remains to be seen, therefore, whether these countries hold similarly strong prospects at the microeconomic level, especially in relation to STI. The BRICS economies have been the subject of many studies but the MINT group is relatively under-studied. Considering the foregoing, this special issue of African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID) is seeking original research contribution in the various aspects of Science Technology and Innovation studies in these two groups of emerging economics.


About the Journal

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID) is a peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary international journal. The journal deals with the various issues of science, technology, and innovation in developing economies, with a special reference to Africa. It started in 2009 and publishes 6 issues in a year by Taylor and Francis. This special issue may come as an edited volume after two years of its publication. The journal is recognized by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and is in the process of indexing in globally recognized indexing and abstracting databases.


Topics for the Special Issue

This special issue of AJSTID calls for original research papers on, but not limited to, the broad topics outlined below. Individual country cases and cross-country studies from the BRICS and MINT countries are solicited on the following issues:

  • National, Regional, and Technological Innovation Systems
  • Technological Capability building
  • Science Technology and Sustainable Development
  • Role of these economics in the globalization of R&D
  • University-Industry relations
  • Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
  • Science and Technology collaboration in and among these countries
  • Traditional knowledge systems
  • Creative Industries

Perspective authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts on topics beyond the broad theme of the special issue. However, all submissions must fit within the broader domain of the journal (Science Technology and Innovation Studies) and follow AJSTID's policy statements. Current PhD students and early career researchers are particularly encouraged to make submissions.


Submission Information

All manuscripts will go through double blind review. The manuscript should comply with the formatting guidelines of AJSTID. Detailed instructions to authors and manuscript preparation guidelines are available at More information about the journal can be found at Manuscript is to be prepared in MSWord format, and to be sent as an email attachment to For more information, please contact the Special Issue Editors.



Deadline for Submission of Full paper:  April 30th 2016
Feedback to Authors:                              June 30th 2016
Tentative Publication Date:                     December 2016


Guest Editors


Swapan Kumar Patra (, Abiodun Egbetokun (

[1] One of the real-world consequences of the BRICS club for the member countries is that it is generally easier for them to reach agreements in their small club than as part of a much larger group. For instance, Brazil and China concluded a currency swap deal in the 2013 BRICS summit.


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