Wednesday, March 16, 2016

CfPs: 2016 Globelics Conference | Theme: Innovation, Creativity and Development: Strategies for Inclusiveness and Sustainability | Bandung, Indonesia | 12-14 October

The 14th Globelics International Conference 2016

12-14 October 2016

Bandung, Indonesia 

Theme: Innovation, Creativity and Development: Strategies for Inclusiveness and Sustainability

Call for papers deadline May 16th, 2016

Conference Theme

The central theme of the 2016 Globelics conference is innovation, creativity and development: strategies for inclusiveness and sustainability. The conference organizers welcome papers that cover different issues in the field of science, technology, innovation and development.  Papers may study the role of innovation and competence building in relation to health, university-industry relations, creative industries, indigenous knowledge and agriculture. The conference also invites papers on how innovation and creativity relate with trade and foreign direct investments, gender and social media. The conference will also explore the role of finance and intellectual property rights in relation to the performance of national and regional system. Special attention will be on how innovation and competence building can support the realisation of the recently approved UN Sustainable Development Goals.

All of the above aspects of innovation, creativity and development would be framed in a strategy for inclusiveness and sustainability. In this regard, Indonesian scholars can provide valuable contributions to the conference based on their findings in Indonesian context and they can learn from interacting with international scholars. The deadline for papers submission is May 16th, 2016.

The 14th Globelics International Conference 2016

The 14th Globelics International Conference will take place in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It will be hosted by Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia.

The Globelics Conferences intends to bring together scholars from different disciplines to enhance the quality of studies on innovation, creativity and development for inclusive and sustainable global transformation.

The conference will combine plenary sessions, presentations of research papers in parallel tracks, thematic panel sessions or special sessions, poster presentations, a book presentation session, excursions and cultural events, as well as artistic and culinary exhibitions.

This year's key note lectures will be given by world leading scholars on innovation and development and it is planned that The President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr.Joko Widodo (to be confirmed) will give a key note lecture on the role of innovation and competence building for Indonesia's development. The 2016 Globelics Lecture will be given by Dr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram. The 2016 Freeman Lecture will be given by Prof. Helena Lastres.

Conference Organizers

The conference is organized jointly by the Globelics and Universitas Padjadjaran, Faculty of Law, in cooperation with Bandung Institute of Technology, Universitas Parahyangan, Directorate General of Intellectual Property and the Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Ministry of Research and Higher Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Government of West Java Province and Government of Bandung City will also be involved in the organisation of the Conference, in particular as far as organisation of Special Sessions and Cultural Events is concerned.

Paper Submission

We encourage scholars at scientific institutions, universities, enterprises and public sector institutions to take this opportunity to present their work to leading scholars in the field of innovation and development. We especially encourage young researchers to submit papers. Papers for oral presentations and poster presentation must be written in English, and the selected ones must be presented at the conference in English. Submission of full paper (in PDF) not exceeding 12,000 words (including notes, tables, appendices, list of references, etc.) should be made via the online submission tool available here: Papers must be submitted before May 16th, 2016.

 The selection of the papers is based on a peer review process that focuses on relevance, academic quality and originality. Globelics reserves the right to use available software to control plagiarism and to take appropriate action in such cases.

PhD students are welcome to enter the PhD students' paper competition. Winners will be announced during the Conference. You can follow the preparation of the conference on the dedicated web-site:  and

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