Tuesday, February 2, 2016

New Book "Doing Qualitative Research: The Craft of Naturalistic Inquiry"

Doing Qualitative Research: The Craft of Naturalistic Inquiry
by Joost Beuving, Geert de Vries; Published by Amsterdam University Press, 2015, Paperback, 224 pages, ISBN: 9789089647658.
Naturalistic inquiry is about studying people in everyday circumstances using ordinary means. It strives to blend in—respecting people in their daily lives, taking their actions and experiences seriously while not interfering—in order to come to theoretical understanding. This textbook offers guidance, combining thoughtful reflection with practical tips. It is written for undergraduate and graduate students in social science; for practitioners in social work, healthcare, policy advice, and organizational consultancy; and for all who have a genuine interest in society and its members.
Further Details: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25102821
Sample Chapter & ToC
: http://en.aup.nl/download/Look%20Inside%20Doing%20Qualitative%20Research.pdf

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