Thursday, January 28, 2016

Invitation: TRCSS' International Conference on Pathways to Sustainable Urbanisation | January 29-30 | JNU Convention Centre

International Conference on Pathways to Sustainable Urbanisation

Organized By: South Asia Sustainability Hub & Knowledge Network (SASH&KN), TRCSS@JNU; STEPS Centre, Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) @University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Dates: January 29-30, 2016

Venue: Committee Hall, JNU Convention Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Aims of the Conference
In this conference we will consider the windows of opportunity for urban regeneration and renewal being opened up through growing concerns about various aspects of urban decay. We will explore possibilities for building upon alternative practices and creating new alliances as an integral part of transformative change for city region planning. Ultimately we will seek to support the strategies that governments and social movements can pursue to work toward regimes of urbanization that support sustainability. Through a combination of plenary presentations, case studies and working group discussions, we will work towards new (critical policy engaged) research and engagement agendas that will consider how transformations to sustainable urbanization will happen and through what mechanisms.
We will engage with the following cross cutting themes:
a) Ideas of green urban development (land use politics and city region planning)
b) Technology choice and innovation
c) Institutional Change - A shift from government towards new models of governance (Decentralization, PPP etc.)
d) Financing and incentives
e) The interface between formality and informality
f) Social mobilization and challenges of alliance formation for urban sustainability

Working Groups (WGs)
With these themes in mind, three conference working groups (WGs) will bring together diverse disciplinary and sectoral perspectives to bear in discussing priorities for a forward looking research and engagement agenda. The focus of the three working groups is as follows:
WG-1: Environment, Health and sustainable cities: what next for the Nexus?
WG-2: Growth and Urban Sustainability
WG-3: Social Mobilisation and Sustainable Urban Transformation

29th January, 2016, Friday
9:00-9:30 AM | Tea / Coffee
9.15–9:30 AM | Registration
9:30–10:00 AM | Introductory Session
10:00–11:30 AM | Session 1 | Current urban sustainability research by JNU and STEPS Centre
11:30–11.45 AM | Tea/Coffee
11.45–1:30 PM | Session 2 | Urban Sustainability: Perspectives and Approaches
2:30–4:00 PM | Working Group formation
4:00–4:30 PM | Tea/Coffee
4:30–5:30 PM | Working Group Activities Begin
30th January, 2016, Saturday
9:30–10 AM | Tea / Coffee
10- 11 AM | Working Group activities
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM | Tea/Coffee
11:30 – 1:00 PM | Working Group activities continue
2:00–3:30PM | Preparation of working group reports
3.45–6:00 PM | Reporting back on amended position paper and priority for future research agendas & concluding remarks

Further Details

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