Wednesday, December 30, 2015

IERB JNU invites to "Third Annual Conference on Revisiting the Discourse on Duties and Responsibilities in Health Research" | 7th January | JNU Convention Centre

Institutional Ethics Review Board, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Cordially invites you to
"Third Annual Conference on "Revisiting the Discourse on Duties and Responsibilities in Health Research"

Date: 7th January 2016
Venue: JNU Convention Centre (Committee Room)

Inauguration Program11:30am to 1:00 p.m.Welcome Address | Prof. S.K. Sopory | Vice Chancellor, JNU |" Remembering Late Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhury"
Chief Guest & Keynote Address | Prof Nirmal Kumar Ganguly | Former Director General, ICMR
Chairperson's Address | Prof. Shiv Kumar Sarin | Chairperson, IERB/ Director ILBS

Programme Schedule

Registration : 9:30-10:00am
10:00-1130 | Session 1:  Methodological Issues in Community Health Research
Chair: Prof. Rajib Dasgupta JNU
Panelists: Prof. Madhav Govind, (Chair CSSP/JNU), Ms. Vibhuti Sharma (ILBS), Dr. Sunita Reddy CSMCH-JNU)

11:30am-1:00pm | Session 2: Inauguration
Lunch 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m

2:00 -3:30 pm | Session 3: Issues concerning Juveniles
Chair: Prof. Ved Kumari, Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi
Mr. E. I Malekar. Former member Human Rights Commission India. Head of Jewish Community Delhi, Ethical Perspectives in Juveniles delinquency and issues of single parenthood, childhood abandonment, trafficking and child labour
Dr. Shashank Shekhar,Lawyer: Law & Justice Concerns
Prof. R.K Chadda. Dept.. of Psychiatry AIIMS New Delhi, Mental health aberration, psyco-social-behavioural issues among juvenile.
Dr. K.K.Ganguly Senior Scientist ICMR New Delhi , Ethical and researchable issues in addiction and de-addiction, among adolescent.

3:30-5:00pm | Session 4: Concerns during research on Women
Chair: Prof. K.K.Ganguly ICMR
Prof. Pikee Saxena & Prof. Anupam Prakash Lady Harding Medical College New Delhi, Issues in reproductive health, sexual abuse, mal practices and HIV AIDS current perspectives :
Sukriti Chauhan, CSLG , HIV AIDS affectedAbandoned Housewives:
Prof. Kusum Chopra formerly at CSRD JNU Nutrition, Poverty and Health:

5:00-6:00 pm | Session 5: Vulnerable communities, caste, race, scarcity, poverty, disability
Chair: Prof. Sanghamitra Acharya Centre for Social Medicine and Community Health,JNU
Prof. Manu Mittal, Chair Equal Opportunity Office JNU
Prof. Munir Masoodi J&K Srinagar, Prof. of Community Medicine, Polio Certification Committee, NCCPE.(childrens' vulnerability)
Dr. Anjum Soni, ICRC,Delhi,(Chattisgarh Conflict Zones)
Dr. Sudesh Mukhopadhyay , Educational consultant
Vote of Thanks : Prof. Susheel K.Jha IERB

All are cordially invited. RSVP Dr. Rahila Sikander |

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