Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Call for Participation: OpenDataCamp Delhi 2015, Nov 22

OpenDataCamp Delhi 2015

Date: November 22, 2015

Venue:The Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, 29 Rajpur Road, Civil Lines, New Delhi 110054, India

What is OpenDataCamp Delhi?

OpenDataCamp Delhi will be a one day un-conference in New Delhi on Sunday, November 22, 2015. DataMeet organised the first OpenDataCamp in Delhi last year to create a discussion and sharing space for people involved in opening up and working with government and non-government data. This year's Camp will focus on advancing these conversations, especially towards discussing and articulating how the open data agenda should be integrated into the Digital India initiative, the flagship programme of the Government of India to harness the possibilities of information technologies for accountable governance, effective citizenship, and a productive and job-creating digital economy. Recent international processes towards better global availability of interoperable and comparable data, such as the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development initiative of UN and the International Open Data Charter introduced by the Open Data Working Group of Open Government Partnership, will provide the wider context for our discussions.

The first half (before lunch) of the OpenDataCamp will feature keynote address and panel discussions exploring what roles should open (government) data play in the Digital India initiative, and vice versa. We must note here that the open data agenda has already been integrated into the Digital India programme by rechristening the Open Government Data Platform of India as 'a digital India initiative'.

The second half (after lunch) of the Camp will begin with a Show and Tell session for participants to briefly share their thoughts and ongoing/finished engagements with open data. This will be followed by a collaborative writing sprint to develop a community statement on an open data agenda for the Digital India initiative.

We invite you to participate in and support the OpenDataCamp Delhi. For details, read the agenda section below.

Organising the Camp is made possible by generous support from the Sarai programme at CSDS, Akvo, NASSCOM - Global Entrepreneurship Week, Random Hacks of Kindness - India, International Center for Journalists, and unpaid labour of various volunteers and well-wishers.

Register: Register here for ODCDel2015

If you have difficulty with online payment, please write to us at


Name of the speakers and discussants will be announced shortly.

08:30-09:30 Registration

09:30-10:30 Keynote Address - Open Data in Digital India (Speaker: Honourable P.D. Rai)

10:30-11:00 Introductions

11:00-11:30 Tea and Coffee

11:30-12:30 Panel Discussion - Open Data and Digital Governance (Discussants: Anoop Aravind, and Nikhil Pahwa)

12:30-13:30 Panel Discussion - Open Data and Digital Citizenship (Discussants: Dr. Biplav Srivastava, Nicholas Dawes, and Shashank Srinivasan)

13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-15:30 Show and Tell (Open House)

15:30-17:00 Drafting a Statement on Open Data for Digital India

16:30-17:00 Tea and Coffee

17:00:17:15 Closing Remarks

17:15-18:00 Planning Session for DataMeet Delhi (Open and Optional)

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