Saturday, October 17, 2015

CSSP Talk "Integrating Earth System Science and Public Policy Research: The Indian Perspective" by Dr Shailesh Nayak, Former Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences; on 21st October

Centre for Studies in Science Policy

School of Social Sciences, JNU

Invites you to

Talk on

Integrating Earth System Science and Public Policy Research: The Indian Perspective


Dr Shailesh Nayak

Earth System Science Organisation, Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi

Venue:  Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1

Time:   11:00 A.M.

Date:    Wednesday, 21st October 2015

Abstract: The Earth behaves as a single, interlinked and self-regulating system.  Its components, atmosphere, ocean, geosphere, cryosphere and biosphere, function together and interactions related to transfer of energy and material are complex.  The earth system processes helps to understand prediction of weather, climate and hazards and sustainable use of resources.  The public policy should be guided towards providing new perspective of earth system and discovery of new phenomena, understanding of earth processes as well as their interaction with human system, and application of this knowledge to develop services for societal, environmental and economic benefits. The policy priorities should focus on the following aspects: (i) Earth observations, including in situ, satellite as well as indirect measurement of earth properties, and data policy. (ii) Understanding of processes, through modelling and investment in necessary infrastructure, computing resources and networking. (iii) Development of services to build resilience to hazards and climate change; clean energy and sustainable use of resources. (iv) Innovation and business development. (v) International cooperation. (vi) Education, research and development of human resources. (vii) Financial resources, essentially investments towards basic research, education and building infrastructure. The above mentioned aspects will be discussed in the Indian context.     

About the Speaker: Dr. Shailesh Nayak currently is 'Distinguished Scientist' in the Ministry of Earth Sciences. He was the Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, during August 2008-2015, and provided leadership for programs related to earth system sciences. He obtained PhD degree in Geology from the M.S University of Baroda in 1980. He has been credited with launching many research programs related to monsoon, air-sea interaction, changing water cycle, atmospheric chemistry, coastal vulnerability, climate services, etc. with US, UK, Germany, Japan, Australia, Norway, South Korea. He had set up HPC system having 1.1 Peta flops capacity for weather and climate research and operations.  He had restructured meteorological activities in the country and thus improved weather and hazard related services. He had set up the state-of-the-art tsunami warning system for the Indian Ocean in 2007 in just two years time, and providing tsunami advisories to the Indian Ocean rim countries. He pioneered in development of algorithms and methodologies for application of remote sensing to coastal and marine environment, and generated baseline database of the Indian coast, and developed services for fishery and ocean state forecast. He is Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru, He has been awarded Honorary Doctor of Science by the Andhra University in 2011, Assam University in 2013 and Amity University in 2015. He was conferred the prestigious ISC Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Award 2012 as well as Bhaskara Award for 2009, Fellowship of the International Society of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and Elected Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) for his outstanding contributions in remote sensing and GIS. He has published about 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

All are welcome to attend the lecture.

Coordinators, CSSP Lecture Series

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