Thursday, July 30, 2015

ICT for Teacher Development UNESCO Office in Bangkok

The ICT in Education Newsletter, July 2015, is now available. Please feel free to forward it to members of your networks.  To view online, click here.


ICT for Teacher Development

July 2015 | UNESCO Bangkok Office



Dear readers,

The Incheon Declaration calls for urgent attention to education that is holistic, inclusive and aspirational, and stresses the significant role of teachers and educators in transforming education and achieving quality lifelong learning for all. This month's newsletter highlights how teachers and educators can be empowered, supported and motivated through and for the use of ICT, ranging from an ICT-supported professional learning network in Canada to a preservice training programme in Singapore to an in-service e-learning programme in Korea.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition!

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.© Flickr/cybrarian77

Highlights: Invest in Teachers (by UNESCO Bangkok, APEID/ICT in Education)
This article underlines the importance of investing in teachers, their training, continuous development and support in the backdrop of the global initiatives of providing inclusive, equitable and quality education. Developing Singapore Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for 21st Century Learning (by Prof Ching Sing Chai and Joyce Hwee Ling Koh)
This article provides an overview of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for 21st century learning designed to promote teacher ability to develop meaningful classroom activities, underlining the importance of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. Policies to Promote e-Learning Teacher Training: Korean case (by Dr Jin Sun Yoo)
Written by the KERIS Research Fellow, Jin Sun Yoo, the article shares the Korean approach to e-learning as a mode for teacher training. The author provides the background information of the training program procedures in the country, incentives used to attract more teachers, the benefits of public and private partnerships, as well as some useful recommendations for the interested governments in developing such a policy and programme.

Programmes and Projects: Central Asia Symposium on ICT in Education 2015 (7-9 July, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)
This article provides an overview of the completed CASIE 2015, held in the Kyrgyz Republic, on the theme of "Fostering an Enabling Environment for Teacher Innovation: From Policy to Practice". Cultivating a Community of Practice for Teacher Professional Development (by Dr. Gyeong Mi Heo)
In this article, Dr. Gyeong Mi focuses on the benefits of Community of Practice (CoP) for teachers, as well as ways to it can be formed. She presents The Creating, Collaborating, and Computing in Mathematics (CCC-M) project as an example, and provides experiential suggestions to facilitating teachers' engagement in a CoP. UNESCO Resource Distribution and Training Centres (RDTCs)
The goal of this project is to strengthen a network of Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) in the Asia-Pacific region by developing their capacities in training teachers to use ICT effectively. The Network consists of 24 teacher education institutions in 12 countries in the region who have committed themselves to serve as RDTCs. Annually, UNESCO Bangkok in collaboration with its partners holds a Regional Seminar for UNESCO RDTCs. Malaysia Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
The first country in the world to have a single, nation-wide cloud-based learning platform accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection. It aims to help teachers, students and parents. Teachers can manage students' records, create their own teaching resources, provide feedback and communicate with the students, plan their curriculum and more. Students can keep track of their progress, upload and save files, communicate with teachers and classmates. Parents can stay in tune with school events, reports, find the contact information, download forms and more.

News and Events: International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (iCTLT 2016). Future Ready: Inspire, Connect, Transform (28-31 March 2016, Singapore)
The biennial conference focuses on advancing 21st century teaching and learning through the use of technologies. The 2016 theme invites participants to share practices, experiences and research on emerging trends in the field of educational technology. Education ICT 2016 (June 2016, London, UK)
This event will bring over 300 teachers, schools leaders and ICT experts to explore the future of technology for learning and curriculum development from across the education sector.

Resources: UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers
This free publication developed by UNESCO serves as an international benchmark with the competencies requires to teach effectively through the use of ICT: UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT). As ICT competencies are not enough, teachers need to also be able to equip their students with the necessary skills, which are addresses in the Framework. It consists of three difference approaches to teaching, such as: technology literacy, knowledge deepening, and knowledge creation. UNESCO Portal for Teachers 
This portal provides ICT in Education information for teachers and educators, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, such as teaching guidelines, lesson plans, and links to online ICT teacher training courses.  Intel Education Galaxy
For Russian speaking teachers, this platform focuses on ICT in education: innovative solutions, perspectives and practices. Here, teachers can create and read blog posts, participate in competitions and online conferences, share projects and methodologies, find online resources, and more. SEAMEO INNOTECH Competency Framework for Southeast Asian School Heads
This Framework aims to provide a benchmark for defining the skills needed for school heads to lead their schools. It consists of 5 domains, more than 50 competencies, and 170 indicators.  

New Publications:  Millennium Development Goals Report 2015
This UNDESA report provides an analysis and data through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to learn from and make decisions for the future development. It also provides the challenges and achievements made throughout this historic effort.  Progress for Children Beyond Averages: Learning from the MDGs (No. 11)
This UNICEF report on the child-related MDGs presents the data that show the hard lessons learned and provides recommendations for future consideration and attention in regard to the most vulnerable children. Today's Challenges for Girls' Education
This UNGEI report provides the progress made in girls' education, as well as the remaining challenges and work that need to be done, especially in poorest and disadvantaged contexts. The report also provides recommendations for women's and girls' leadership by focusing on civil society and the private sector. Education Policy Outlook 2015: Making Reforms Happen
This OECD report is aimed to guide education policy makers in improving their education in a comparative style, taking into consideration the local contexts.


Next Issue: The August issue will focus on the theme of ICT for Digital Equity. If our readers are interested in contributing to this edition, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education,
920 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

The opinions expressed in the documents included in this newsletter are those of the authors and editors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNESCO, nor of any particular Division or Office. All rights to the resources included in this guide remain with their respective copyright owners, as indicated for each resource.


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