Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SARNET Competitive CfPs by Young Scholars from South Asia "Education, Skills and Social Protection in Emerging Labour Markets: Issues and Perspectives for Inclusive Growth in South Asia"

South Asia Research Network (SARNET)

Employment and Social Protection for Inclusive Growth

Competitive Call for Papers by Young Scholars from South Asia on

SARNET is a research and network programme of South Asian institutions and scholars coordinated and managed by the Institute for Human Development (IHD), New Delhi, in collaboration with ILO and ESCAP, with support from International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. Its objective is to find ways to achieve inclusive growth in South Asia so as to reduce the existing vulnerability of workers, to increase the quality of employment and to enhance social protection. The other objectives of the programme include capacity building of young researchers from the region who are interested in studying labour markets, employment and social protection issues. See details on

South Asia faces a complex set of economic, social and political issues that constrain growth and the creation of good jobs. It is widely acknowledged that the lack of access to education and skills as well as a minimum level of social protection are among the most important constraints in achieving inclusive growth with decent employment in the region. As such, SARNET is issuing its second competitive call for papers on 'Education, Skills and Social Protection in Emerging Labour Markets: Issues and Perspectives for Inclusive Growth in South Asia'. The topics and issues include, but need not be restricted, to the following:

Education and Skills

  • challenges of education and skills deficits and issues of so-called 'skills mismatch'
  • policies to promote better education and skills outcomes
  • access and exclusion issues related to skill development and training
  • skill systems in different South Asian countries and best practices
  • empirical evidence regarding impact of Vocational Education & Training (VET) on employability and quality of jobs
  • Public-private partnerships in VET/role of private sector in VET provision
  • Financing VET—cross-country comparisons and lessons

Social Protection

  • Different approaches to social protection (insurance vs. assistance, promotiomal vs. protective, basic social protection floor)
  • Challenges and issues in providing minimum level of social protection, adequate for a decent living
  • Resources for financing a minimum level of social protection
  • Different models of social protection in the context of high segmentation and differences in labour markets in South Asia
  • Appropriate institutional and governance structure for effective implementation of social protection policies

Young scholars (below the age of 40 years) of South Asian nationality (working either in the region or outside) are invited to submit proposals for empirical papers, covering any or all of the major South Asian economies, including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Relevant lessons from other countries may also be appropriately incorporated. SARNET supports gender parity and encourages women to apply. The proposals should include an abstract (of around 750 - 1000 words) outlining the main research questions, conceptual framework, methodology and empirical base of the paper. The paper (of about 8000 words) should not have been published earlier in any form. About 10 papers will be selected and an amount of Rs. 75,000/- (USD 1,200) would be paid to each of the accepted paper writers. The proposals and submitted papers would be reviewed by a committee of international experts. SARNET reserves the right to publish accepted papers in the Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Indian Journal of Human Development or some other reputed journals and/or in a book.

Important dates:

  • Proposals with the abstract should be received by 31 May 2015
  • Authors of the selected proposals would be contacted by 15 June 2015
  • Full drafts need to be submitted by end of August 2015
  • Preliminary comments on the selected papers would be communicated by 20 September 2015
  • Revised papers should be submitted by 15 October 2015

The authors of the accepted papers would be invited to present their papers in a conference to be held in the last week of October/first week of November 2015 at New Delhi. SARNET would provide travel subsidy and arrange boarding and lodging for authors from the region only. In case of authors from outside the region, SARNET will provide boarding and lodging only, but the authors are requested to meet their travel costs from their own sources.

Address  for  correspondence:  Ms.  Priyanka  Tyagi,  Communication  Officer,  Institute  for  Human  Development,  New  Delhi,  Email: with a copy to: .

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