Wednesday, February 18, 2015

COLLNET 2015: Call for Papers- 11th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 16th COLLNET Meeting, Delhi, India

Call for Oral Presentations and Posters, Important Dates:
  • April 05, 2015 (Deadline), Extended Abstract for Oral Presentation, (3 pages, abstracts less than 2.5 pages are not accepted )

            Please send your extended abstracts to:

            Hildrun Kretschmer


            Please send also a copy to:

            P K Jain

  • May 01, 2015, Acceptance Notification
  • May 15, 2015 (Deadline), Abstract for Poster Presentation (1 page)



Call for Papers

11th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS)


16th COLLNET Meeting


November 26-28, 2015 New Delhi, India


Conference Venue: Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi-110007, India         



Organized by Society for Library Professionals in association with Asian Chapter, Special Libraries Association, Institute of Economic Growth




General Chair: Hildrun Kretschmer (Germany, China)

Steering Committee Chair: P. K. Jain (India)

Technical Program Chair: Debal C. Kar (India)


Call for Oral Presentations and Posters, Important Dates:

  • April 05, 2015 (Deadline), Extended Abstract for Oral Presentation, (3 pages, abstracts less than 2.5 pages are not accepted )

            Please send your extended abstracts to:

            Hildrun Kretschmer


            Please send also a copy to:

            P K Jain

  • May 01, 2015, Acceptance Notification
  • May 15, 2015 (Deadline), Abstract for Poster Presentation (1 page)
  • July 31, 2015 (Deadline), Full Paper

(Camera-ready version, maximum 10 pages including tables, figures, references)

The extended abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Programme Committee. The accepted full papers will be published in the proceedings.

  • November 15, 2015 (Deadline), Registration
  • November 26-28, 2015, Conference

Programme Committee:



Local Programme Committee:

   Advisory Committee Chair: P R Goswami, Director (Library), IGNCA, Delhi, India

   Finance, Website Engineering, Graphics: Parveen Babbar, Deputy Librarian, JNU, Delhi

Content, Communication: N K Wadhwa, NPL (CSIR), Delhi, India


Shantanu Ganguly, Fellow and Area Convenor, TERI, Delhi

Tariq Ashraf, Librarian, South Campus Delhi University, Delhi

Salek Chand, Library and Information Officer, Election Commission of India, Delhi

M Madhusudan, Deputy Dean and Asst. Professor, Dept. of LIS, DU, Delhi

Sujit Bhattacharya, Senior Scientist, NISTADS, Delhi

Divya Srivastava, Scientist "F", Indian Council of Medical Research, Delhi


Regional Chairs:

Regional Chair of Africa, America, Australia and Europe:

            Valentina Markusova (Russia)

Regional Chair of China:

            Liang Liming (China)


Regional Chair of India:

            Ramesh Kundra (India)

                        Team:  N.K. Wadhwa (India)

                                   Divya Srivastava (India)

                                   Sujit Bhattacharya (India)

                                   P.K. Jain (India)

Regional Chair of Iran:

            Farideh Osareh (Iran)




The broad focus of the conference is on collaboration and communication in science and technology; science policy; quantitative aspects of science of science; and combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in study of scientific practices.


The conference thus aims to contribute to evidence-based and informed knowledge about scientific research and practices which in turn may further provide input to institutional, regional, national and international research and innovation policy making.




A.Theoretical, Methodological and Applied Aspects in Webometrics, Informetrics,    Scientometrics, for example:

-          Emerging issues in Scientometrics / Informetrics /webometrics and history

-          Science Policy and collaboration

-          New Metrics (Altmetrics), their Potential Value and their Relationship to Established Measures

-          Collaboration Studies for Science & Society

-          Collaboration, Knowledge Management & Industrial Partnership

-          Collaborative Bridge between Academic Research and Industry

-          Techniques for Collaboration Studies

-          Visualization Techniques in Collaboration Studies

-          Quantitative Analysis of S&T Innovations

-          Informetrics Laws and Distributions, Mathematical Models of Communication and Collaboration

-          Nature and Growth of Science and of Collaboration in Science and its Relation with Technological Output

-          Evaluation Indicators

-          Collaboration in Science and in Technology from both Quantitative and Qualitative Points of View


            Please, note that these examples listed above give a broad outline of the scope of the workshop theme but do not limit it.

B. Data Management

-             Data Analysis and Data Mining

-             Open Access Management and its Impact

C. Information Technology, Management and Services

-             Information and Knowledge Services Measurement

-             Information Literacy Program

-             Performance Measurement and Competitiveness Quality Assessment

-             Technology & Innovations in Libraries and Impact Measurement

-             Development and Assessment of Digital Repositories

-             Development of Information and Knowledge Services

-             IPR and its Impact

-             Economic Co-operation and Development

-             Historical and Comparative case studies related to Librarianship

D. Change Management

-             Change of Libraries and Managerial techniques

-             Changes in Learning, Research and Information needs


COLLNET and WIS History (WIS: Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics)

COLLNET is a global interdisciplinary research network of scholars who are concerned to study aspects of collaboration in science and in technology (see COLLNET web site at: This network of interdisciplinary scholars was established in January 2000 in Berlin with Hildrun Kretschmer as coordinator. Since that time there have been thirteen meetings: 


the first in Berlin, September 2000, the 2nd in New Delhi, February 2001 and the 3rd in Sydney (in association with the 8th ISSI Conference), July 2001. The 4th COLLNET Meeting took place on August 29th in 2003 in Beijing in conjunction with the 9th International ISSI Conference; the First International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS)and 5th COLLNET Meeting in Roorkee, India, in March 2004. The 6th COLLNET Meeting took place in association with the 10th ISSI Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in July 2005. The Second International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics(WIS) and 7th COLLNET Meeting was organized in Nancy, France, in May 2006. The Third International Conference on WISand Science and Society & Eighth COLLNET Meeting took place in New Delhi, India, in March 2007 (, the Fourth International Conference on WIS&Ninth COLLNET Meeting in Berlin, Germany in July 2008 ( and the Fifth International Conference on WIS& Tenth COLLNET Meeting in Dalian, China, in September 2009 ( Sixth International Conference on WIS&Eleventh COLLNET Meeting took place in Mysore, India, in October 2010,the Seventh International Conference on WIS&Twelfth COLLNET Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, in September 2011 (, the 8thInternational Conference on WIS&13thCOLLNET Meeting in Seoul, Korea, October, 2012, Seoul, Korea,; the 9thInternational Conference on WIS&14thCOLLNET Meeting, August, 2013in Tartu, Estonia,, September 3-5, 2014 in Ilmenau, Germany



Registration Fee

                       Early Bird Registration                      1st September 2015 onwards

                       Till 31st August 2015


Indian Delegates               Rs.3500/-                                           Rs.4000/-

Other countries

Delegates                      € 200 or US$ 300                              € 225 or US $325

SAARC countries

Delegates                         US$ 100                                             US$ 125


*Students, SLA members, accompanied persons, retired professionals and additional participants from the same organization can avail 20% discount.


Registration fee covers

•         All Conference sessions

•         Conference bag and materials

•         Catering: Lunches (3 days), tea/ coffee breaks (3 days) and Dinner

•         Conference social programme and City tour


Brochure is attached


Contact Person:

Dr. P K Jain

Institute of Economic Growth

University of Delhi Enclave

Delhi- 110007. India



Hildrun Kretschmer

PD, Dr. sc. phil., Dr. oec., Dipl.-psych.

Honorary Professor, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, China

Former Professor at the Dalian University of Technology, China

Honorary Director and Special Fellow of WISELAB of the

Dalian University of Technology, China

COLLNET Co-ordinator (

Editor, COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management

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