Monday, February 9, 2015

Australia Awards Scholarships in South Asia – Awards for Study in Water Resource Management

Australia Awards Scholarships in South Asia in Water Resource Management

Water stress is projected to increase significantly across South and West Asia due to increasing demand and climate change. More than 750 million poor people rely on the region's three major rivers – the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra – for their livelihoods and food security. Climate variability is expected to exacerbate the existing pressure on water resources resulting from growing populations and economic development. Australia stands ready to share its experience in managing water for scarcity and is committed to help strengthen government agencies and technical institutions in the region through capacity building and sharing Australian experiences and technology in Water Resource Management.

Australia Awards Scholarships – Awards for Study in Water Resource Management
The Australia Awards in South and West Asia is offering scholarships for Master's level study in Water Resource Management in Australia commencing in January 2016.
The Australia Award Scholarships will be available for:
  • Master's by coursework or research in Water Resource Management.
  • Applicants from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan will be eligible to apply for the 2016 intake.
  • Open to government and non-government nominees.
The Awards are particularly targeted at eligible applicants working on river-basin scale water resource management issues in South and/or West Asia.

How to Apply
Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements detailed in the Scholarships Policy Handbook, available at: In particular, all applicants must submit an employer nomination letter from their organisation/agency together with their application.
In addition, applicants must also meet the country-specific requirements. For details see the Country Profiles for Intake 2016 available at the following sites:

Study Programs
An applicant's proposed study program must be at Master's level with a maximum duration of two years and related to Water Resource Management. The program may be offered by coursework, by research or by a combination of coursework and research. Masters by research or a combination of coursework and research are generally only to those applicants who have demonstrated the need for high-level research skills in order to undertake research or teaching or to supervise researchers upon their return home.
Applicants will be assessed on how their proposed course of study:
  • relates to the development needs of the region and/or their home country in the area of Water Resource Management; and
  • their potential to contribute to development outcomes in the region and/or their country in the area of Water Resource Management.
As specified above, the Awards are particularly targeted at eligible applicants working on river-basin scale water resource management issues in South and/or West Asia. Applicants may select an Australian Master's Program specifically related to Water Resource Management or any other Master's courses provided they can clearly demonstrate the course's alignment to Water Resource Management challenges in the region and/or their home country.
Such courses may be in fields such as Diplomacy, Environment, Environmental Management and Development, Environmental Law, Environmental Science, Engineering, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Applied Science, Climate Change, Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, and Agricultural Science.
Note that Scholarships are available only for courses that are listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) [], which is the official Australian Government website that lists all Australian education providers that offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas.

Further information

The Australia Award Scholarships are available for Masters by coursework or research in water resource management and will commence in January 2016.  Applications opened on 1 February and close at 5pm (local time) on 30 April 2015. Further information on the Australia Award Scholarships, including eligibility requirements and the application process is available in the attached brochure and at this link - The scholarships for study in water resource management could potentially provide a valuable education opportunity.  I kindly encourage you to circulate this information within your institution, and please feel to share more broadly. If you have any further queries, please kindly contact Mr Vishwanathan Tiruchirappalli, Senior Program Manager at the Australian High Commission, New Delhi, at vishwanathan.tiruchirappalli[at]

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