Monday, November 17, 2014

CfPs: 1st Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (SOItmC) & (8th Knowledge Cities World Summit) 2015; 14-18 June; at Daegu, Korea

1st Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (SOItmC) & (8th Knowledge Cities World Summit) 2015

Conference Date: 14-18 June 2015

Venue: DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology), Daegu, Korea

Conference Theme: Open Innovation, Knowledge City & Creative Economy

Call for Papers


Abstract, special session and workshop proposal submission (2015.01.07)
Abstract, special session and workshop acceptance notification (2015.01.17)
Full paper submission (2015. 01. 01 ~ 06. 01)
1st Full paper acceptance notification (2015. 04. 08)
2nd Full paper acceptance notification (2015. 06. 10)
Other than the above process, you can, at any time, submit your papers through our 'Fast Paper Submission' process.Then, you would be notified the acceptance of presentation and the journal to which you could submit among the invited journals within two weeks.
Early Registration (until 2015. 05. 14)
Regular Registration (on or after 2015. 05. 14)
Sub-themes: A number of sub-themes have been identified, including but not limited to:
        IT Convergence
        Open Innovation
        Business Model
        Knowledge-Based Development
        Intellectual Capital
        Expert Systems of Knowledge Cities
        Urban Technology
        Sharing Economy
        Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy
        Complexity and Evolutionary Change
        Economics of Catch-up
        Social Networks
        System Dynamics

Special Sessions
    Special Session 1. "Urban Planning, Open Innovation & Ubiquitous City"
    - Session Chair: SangHo Lee (Hanbat National University)
    Special Session 2. "Complexity, Open Innovation & Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: DongGyu Won (KISTI)
    Special Session 3. "Entrepreneurship, Open Innovation, and Creative Economy" (Not yet Confirmed)
    - Session Chair: SunYoung Park & YeongWha Sawng (Konkuk University)
    Special Session 4."Start-ups, Open Innovation, and Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: ChoongJae Im (Keimyung University)
    Special Session 5. "ICT, Open Innovation, and Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: HeeDae Kim (Daegu Digital Industry Promotion Agency)
    Special Session 6. "Daegu Techno-Park, Open Innovation, and Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: YoHan Kim (Daegu TechnoPark)
    Special Session 7. "Convergence Technology, Open Innovation, and Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: HyoSung Jang (Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology)
    Special Session 8. "Global Cooperation, Open Innovation, and Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: TaeHee Kim (National Research Foundation of Korea)
    Special Session 9. "Technology Policy for Open Innovation & Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: SangOk Choi (Korea University)
    Special Session 10. "Open Innovation for Smart Mobility"
    - Session Chair: JoonWoo Son (DGIST)
    Special Session 11. "Technology Policy for Open Innovation and Knowledge City"
    - Session Chair: KwangHo Jung (Seoul National University)

Special Issue Journal
    Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (Targeting Scopus in 2015)
        Editor-in-Chief: JinHyo Joseph Yun (DGIST)
        Up to 25 articles would be accepted to the journal
    Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI) (Non-confirmed)
        Editor-in-Chief: Fred Phillips (Stony Brook University, USA)
        How many papers would be accepted by the journal would be determined later
    Science, Technology and Society (SSCI)
        Guest Editor: JinHyo Joseph Yun (DGIST) & SangOk Choi (Korea University)
        Up to 7 articles would be accepted to the journal
    Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Targeting Scopus in 2015)
        Guest Editor: DongGyu Won (KISTI) & JinHyo Joseph Yun (DGIST)
        Up to 7 articles would be accepted to the journal

General Issue Journals
    Journal of Science, and Technology, Policy, Management (Scopus)
        Editor: Patricia Ordonez de Pablos
        Invited Reviewers: KiSeok Kwon (Hanbat National University) & JinHyo Joseph Yun (DGIST)
        Up to 5 articles would be accepted to the journal
    Knowledge Management Research and Practice (SSCI)
        Editor: Giovanni Schiuma (University of the Arts London)
        Invited Reviewers: "To be determined"
        Up to 5 - 7 articles would be accepted to the journal
    Measuring Business Excellence (Scopus)
        Editor: Giovanni Schiuma (University of the Arts London)
        Invited Reviewers: "To be determined"
        Up to 5 - 7 articles would be accepted to the journal

Publication Plan
Among participants of the conference who present their studies, those selected will be asked to elaborate on their research works and submit the complete version of papers to the invited journals of the conference. The publication process is described as below.
    Parallel sessions consist of special sessions and general sessions.
    At each special session, at least two papers would be given chances to submit into invited scopus journals and one of the papers at each special session could be invited to one of the SSCI journals of the conference.
    At each general session, two best papers would be given the Best Paper Awards, and encouraged to submit their papers into invited journals after due revision.
    In general sessions, there are two distinctive publication processes, unlike the regular process, the fast type makes you notified, within two weeks, up to the acceptance of the paper to the invited journals of the conference.
    Contents of Keynote Speeches will be kindly asked to be arranged into the format of presentation by the keynote speakers to be presented either in a special session or a regular session, and later to be invited to submit to the journal of open innovation: technology, market, and complexity.

Keynote Speakers
Philip Cooke (UK)
    University Research Professor in regional economic development (1991) and founding director (1993) of the Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Wales, Cardiff. (until July, 2014)
    Adjunct Professor in Development Studies at Aalborg University, Denmark and LEREPS, University of Toulouse, France. (2005-2010)
    Research Professor at the Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development (2013-2014)
    Editor of "European Planning Studies" (SSCI)
    Interested in the studies of Evolutionary Complexity Theory, Regional Innovation Systems and Green Innovation
    Presentation Theme: "The Future of Innovation: Challenges, Complexity & Crossovers"
Venni V. Krishna (India)
    A Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University
    Editor-in-Chief, Science, Technology and Society (SSCI)
    Presentation Theme: "To be Confirmed "
Keun Lee (Korea)
    A Professor, Department of Economics, Seoul National University
    Director, Center for Economic Catch-up
    President, Asia-Pacific Innovation Network
    President-elect, International Schumpeter Society
    Editor-in-Chief, Seoul Journal of Economics
    Associate Editor-in-Chief, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
    An Editor, Research Policy
    Member, Committee for Development Policy, UN
    Winner of 2014 Schumpeter Prize for his book on Schumpeterian Analysis of Economic Catch-up (CUP 2013)
    Presentation Theme: "Paradox of Economic Catch-up"
Fred Phillips (USA)
    A Professor, the State University of New York at Stony Brook
    A Senior Fellow (and formerly Research Director) at the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin
    Ex Vice Provost for Research at Alliant International University, Associate Dean at Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands), and Dean of Management at Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology
    Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier's international journal Technological Forecasting & Social Change.
    Presentation Theme: "To be Confirmed "
Fumio Kodama (Japan)
    A Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo and Shibaura Institute of Technology
    Ex Editor of Research Policy (1993 – 2009)
    Ex President of the Japan Society of MOT (2006 – 2009)
    Ex President of the Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Management (2008)
    Presentation Theme: "To be Confirmed"

For more information, please contact:
SOItmC & KCWS 2015 Secretariat
    Ph.: +82-53-785-4411, CP.: +82-10-3429-2728, Fax: +82-53-785-4409
    Address: 333 Techno Jungang-daero, Hyeonpung-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 711-873, Republic of Korea.

SOItmC Chair
    JinHyo Joseph Yun (+82-10-6697-8355,
(KCWS Chair)
    Tan Yigitcanlar (+61-0402510001,
DGIST 50-1 Sang-Ri, Hyeonpung-Myeon, Dalseong-Gun, Daegu, 711-873, Korea, Tel: +82-53-785-4411

Further Details

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