Wednesday, October 15, 2014

PUS paper by former CSSP scholar Biswanath Dash "Public understanding of cyclone warning in India: Can wind be predicted?"

Dash, Biswanath (2014). "Public understanding of cyclone warning in India: Can wind be predicted?", Public Understanding of Science, online first, doi: 10.1177/0963662514553203.

Abstract: In spite of meteorological warning, many human lives are lost every year to cyclone mainly because vulnerable populations were not evacuated on time to a safe shelter as per recommendation. It raises several questions, most prominently what explains people's behaviour in the face of such danger from a cyclonic storm? How do people view meteorological advisories issued for cyclone and what role they play in defining the threat? What shapes public response during such situation? This article based on an ethnographic study carried out in coastal state of Odisha, India, argues that local public recognising inherent limitations of meteorological warning, fall back on their own system of observation and forecasting. Not only are the contents of cyclone warning understood, its limitations are accommodated and explained.

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